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Lalisa pov

Aish did I hurt him I didnt mean to say that

Maybe I should apologize and reconcile with him yeah that's a great idea

I went to our room as he might be there but he wasn't where must he be

I decided to ask one of the maid so I went to the kitchen to ask one of the maid I then spot one she look actually pretty

"Umm hey can you tell me where the king is..." I ask

"Omo your majesty annyeong haseyo " she bow at me "what's you name..." I ask

"Your majesty my name is Wendy..." She said "ahh Wendy can you tell me where the king is" I ask

"Our Majesty is usually in his room or on duty or he might be in his private gym..." She said

"Private gym..." I ask confusedly "yes our majesty usually stay in the gym to relived his stress or for random workout..." She said

"Ah ok I will go and see..."I said and was about to leave when she said " ahh wait your majesty before you go there take this... This is our majesty favorite drink.."she said

She gave me a banana flavor  milk ohh jungkook like banana

"Thank you btw call me Lisa ..." I said. "Oh no no no your Majesty you are a queen I am not suppose to be casual with you.." She deny.."no seriously I would like if you call me Lisa as I just wanna be like normal people... "I said

" ahh ok I will call you Lisa you are so kind the king choose the right bride for him you deserved him.."she said

Wrong I don't deserved him i  hurt the king

"Umm Wendy I shall go now see ya soon..." I said and bid her a bye after going to see jungkook

And stupid me I forgot to ask Wendy where is the gym now I have to search everywhere...i then spotted a room.... this look kinda weird as the door had a dragon sign and there was fire torch on the both side which other room doesn't have in this kingdom I guess

I enter the room and saw a big office wah is this Jungkook office

I roam around and look at his stuff wah these thing are expensive 

"I think it is not right to enter someone office without there authority...."I heard jungkook saying from behind..i turn around looking at me with a cold face

"Ahh I i uhh I was just looking around I found myself entering this office...btw nice office..."I said and he still looking at me coldly he then looked at my hand and said "are you planning to drink it"he said and I looked at him confusely 

"Wdym.."I ask "the banan milk "he said "oh this it was actually for you as I was coming to your private gym room"I said "nice then give it to me..."he said "oh ah yes ...."I said and quickly gave him the banana milk

He was about to leave when I said

" Jungkook wait ....."i stop him "do you need to say something more..." He ask "yes..." I said "go on..." He looked at me

"I-i umm I am sorry..." I stutter and he laugh "sorry for what..." He said "I am sorry for this morning I didn't mean to say those harsh word to you I was just not in mood..." I said

"You means your mood turn off because of when you were with your siblings you were looking happy and your mood was on that mean your mood turn off when you see---.." He simply said

"No this is not what I mean what I mean is--" he cut my phrase

"What you mean is that i am just a thing to you which you can throw it and hurt it  anywhere..." He said

"I am sorry---" he cut my phrase again "lalisa please just please I am not in a mood to argue you better go and get ready the people needs us..." He said and left

I feel guilty I shouldn't have done huff I hate my life

Jk pov

After arguing with Lalisa I went to the royal garden where I suppose to practice my archery 

I need to make lalisa fall for me and for that I need to act bad at her so she feel bad and fall for me that was an old method that my childhood friend used on his girlfriend Jennie I hope that this plan work

"Hey yo Jungkook bro ..." I heard a voice behind me I already knew who it is

"Yah jimin-shi if you are here to tease me then go away..." I said while avoiding him

"I am not here to tease you don't worry...." He said and I look at him confusedly "don't tell me I am not gonna help you ok..." I said because I already know that he will ask me to help him

"Please hyung it just the last girl...I really need your help..." He beg "don't you have enough girl that you need more..." I whine "no all the girl that I date only loved me because I am your cousin and now I found a girl that I will love forever but I don't know how to approach her..." He pout

"Then what can I do..." I said "tell your wife to help me with it..." He said "wdym what does lalisa have to do with this...." I said "I mean she's friend with that girl they even work together .." He said

"What's her name..." I ask "park..chearyoung no no park cheayoung " he said and remind me of something oh I know that girl she's the one who told me where Lisa live. But I won't help jimin  let him do it by himself

"Ahh I don't know any cheayoung you go and do your thing I am not interested to help you..." I said "you're so mean..." He whine

"Oh the queen is here..." Jimin said and my eyes went toward where he was going

Lalisa was there with a long gold color dress with her long black hair she's gorgeous

"Hello I am park jimin the king cousin nice to meet you" I heard jimin saying

Lisa bow at him "nice to meet you too I am lalisa gim..." She said Aish am I even related to her ,gim

"Gim I didn't know that the king surname was gim I thought it was Jeon yah hyung you didn't told me that you changed surname " jimin yell at me

I look at him annoyingly

"No no  my surname is Jeon but before marriage it was gim It just came out of my mouth..." Lalisa apologize "then you should be careful the world might think that we are not married..." I said coldly

Aww it hurt to say that to her

Lalisa pov

“then you should be careful the world might think that we are not married...”the king said

I regret hurting him now he is being cold

"Yah Jungkook be nice to your wife or I will kill you.." His cousin jimin said

Well his cousin is nice

"Btw lalisa do you know park cheayoung..." He ask

"No she doesn't know ok.." Jk said loudly "yes I know her why..." I said ignoring jungkook word

"I actually like her not only like her but love her can you like introduce me to her please..." He beg I just chuckle

"Alright I will introduce you to rose..." I said "rose who..." He ask "park cheayoung other name is park Roseanne and you can call her rose for short..." I said "oh now I got it thanks lalisa..." He thanks me

"Lalisa lets go we have a lot of place to visit today ..." The king said and pull me away from jimin

Aww maybe he's jealous

To be continue

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