Lets play 25

1K 23 13

Once again I can't add music so the songs for this chapter are "you dont own me" and "horns" by Bruce fox. They give off major Thea vibes.

*Mentions of blood, abuse, and self harm*

Thea's such a badass I can't even. This chapter is a little darker and it moves kind of fast.

Also we are almost at 10k that's fucking CRAZY. THANK YOU SO MUCH.

Without further ado I present to you.....

Let's play

Thea's pov

Watching his sleeping body in a world of chaos is calming. Watching someone who's been hurt over again and again in peace it's confusing. He didn't and doesn't deserve any of this. I've killed over and over again. I've watched the life get drained out of a innocent persons eyes, I deserve this. 

I look at my arm in the moon light. My flesh stained with the symbol of evil. It hurts every night. Not just the memory no, the actual mark. It burns and strings and strangely I like the pain. 

In a way I feel I deserve it, I deserve pain. Once again, like nights before blood runs down my arm by my hand. The tattoo of darkness makes me feel powerful, unstoppable yet it makes me feel controlled. It reminds me of 10 year old me, all innocent being forced to do the dark lords bidding. 

The blood runs down my arm, down my tattoo. I watch it, I watch it flow. I watch it move to its own rhythm as it flows being free. The freedom I desire. 

"Thea" Jasendro's eyes open looking down at my arm. His sleepy voice fills the air.

"I'm okay." I say watching the blood. "I want to go."


"I want to go with you, I want to be free. I want to be kids running away having fun having... having freedom. After the war let's run, live by our own rules."

A faint smile settles on his tired face. We sit there in silence, our own minds escaping into our own fantasy's. So distracted by our dreams of living by our own accord we don't hear heavy foot steps pounding up the stairs. 

Our heads quickly shift to the door as it aggressive slams into the wall.

"Oh you think your smart don't you?! We send you to a different school and you think you can do whatever you please! Do I need to teach you a lesson?" J looks at his dad in silence.


I look at J as our much needed peace was just abruptly disturbed. Jasendro opens his mouth but nothing comes out he's frozen in shock.

His father's eyes shift to me. "Oh is this the little slut I heard all about? What is her name...y/n? Oh your coming with me. I bet I could find something for you to do." His horrific smirk is plastered on his face.

Before I have time to react he pulls my arm to get me out of the bed. He quickly takes a step back looking at my dark mark. "Your, your suppose to be dead! Oh I can only imagine what they have in store for you once they realise your alive!"

My wands on the other side of the room and PTSD of child hood trama leaves me stund.

"Leave her alone!"

"Oh you think your a man. You think you can stand up to me boy?" J grabs his wand from the bed stand.

"I'm not fucking afraid of you!" J points his wand at his dad.

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