hurt (13)

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jk; I will tell her (jungkook went towards tzuyu and the guy)

jk; TZUYU 

tzuyu; j-j-jungkook

mingyu; oh hello mr jeon btw what is happening babe why mr jeon here


lisa;jungkook please stop it don't shout

jk; lisa please she deserves this

mingyu; what is really happening can i know 

jk; oh so tzuyu are you happy now after you played with mingyu and me you gold digger YOU JUST CAME FOR MONEY RIGHT 

tzuyu;; YES I DID , I DID USED YOU FOR MONEY  and i didnt played with mingyu 

mingyu; what you played with mr jeon just for money how can you do this i gave you everything you wanted but you just played with mr jeon for money i am ashamed of you

tzuyu; but i swear babe i loved you since for ever but i just wanted a luxary life tho you are rich but jungkook is more than you and i wanted money so yeah and as now i got what i wanted here you go your credit card and mingyu come with me 

mingyu; sorry mr jeon but i have to go i love her so much and idc if she uses someone for money and at least she loves me bye (he said sarcastically and went behind tzuyu)

jk; ahhhhh why did this happen with me

lisa; jungkook calm down its ok come with me

jk; how can i come down when she HURT me (he started crying)

lisa; jungkook come on dont cry i am with you let's go home i will call jennie unnie that we wont eat with them come on (she said worriedly)

jk; o-ok lets go(he said between his sobes)

they went to the car area and lisa set on the driving seat as jungkook was a crying mess and cannot drive a car in stress then they reached the house and lisa already called jennie while they were in the car they came out of car and lisa saw jungkook crying tho he is a guy but he also had feelings.

lisa; jungkook please calm down (she went near him and hugged him tight)

jk; thank you for comforting me

lisa; no its ok come on 

they went inside the house and lisa went to her room and jungkook went to his, than lisa took a bath and changed her cloths into some comfy clothes 

they went inside the house and lisa went to her room and jungkook went to his, than lisa took a bath and changed her cloths into some comfy clothes 

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(lisa comfy clothes)

lisa changed her clothes than went downstairs to make dinner as it was already night and dinner time so she made 

lisa changed her clothes than went downstairs to make dinner as it was already night and dinner time so she made 

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(what lisa made for dinner)

lisa; jungkook JUNGKOOK (she shouted from downstairs) aish this boy i thing i have to go upstairs to see what he is doing

lisa went upstairs to jungkook's room and when she opened the door she saw jungkook half naked only in his towel and she turned around and put her hands on her face

lisa; jungkook wear your clothes

jk; don't you like me like this

lisa; are you serious you are flirting with me

jk; yeah i am flirting with you i mean why can i not 

lisa; no you can't

jk; but you are my fiance i mean tho we don't have rings but at least our parents agree right so you are my fiance so it means that i can do anything i want (smirk)

lisa; jungkooooooook pls wear your shirt and come down stairs for dinner

jk; okay (he smiled)


jk pov ; she is soo cute ahh what should i do hahhhhh i don't know when ever i saw her i forget all of my problems, jungkook what happen to you i have to change and go down for dinner 

jk changed his clothes and went downstairs for the dinner

jk changed his clothes and went downstairs for the dinner

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(jungkook clothes)

they wore pajamas because they will sleep right after eating dinner i mean after sometimes they would sleep.

jungkook; what you made lis

lisa; here i made this (pointing at the table)

jk; wow this is looking good

lisa; oh ok try it

than they ate the food and went to there rooms for sleep and slept 

jk pov; so tomorrow is our wedding ahaa i am kinda excited idk why but i am what can i do now i am so tired 

he than felt his eyes heavy and slept 

lisa pov; tomorrow is my wedding with jungkook i can't believe that i am marrying jungkook wow and what is with that different attitude of jungkook all of sudden tho i only know him since 2 days but than also i know so much about him and his attitude had changed a lot i am feeling sleepy its good if i sleep because tomorrow i have so much to do

than lisa also slept.

hello guys i hope that you guys i will see you in the next part bye bye for now see you afterwards bye bye

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