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next day; 

Lisa woke up early and took a bath and went down stairs for the breakfast

Lisa woke up early and took a bath and went down stairs for the breakfast

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(this is what she wore and her look)

Jungkook pov; i woke up then took a bath and than i went downstairs for the breakfast and saw a lisa cooking the breakfast tbh she looked so hot with that oversized shirt on her legs are visible and perfect shaped body,i went to her and asked her.

Jungkook pov; i woke up then took a bath and than i went downstairs for the breakfast and saw a lisa cooking the breakfast tbh she looked so hot with that oversized shirt on her legs are visible and perfect shaped body,i went to her and asked her

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(jk outfit)

jk; lisa, what are you doing

lisa; cooking breakfast (she normally answered)

jk; but isn't it maids work

 lisa; it is but i like it better when i cook my breakfast myself cuz when i was in america i use to do it thats why.

jk; ahh i see............but i wanna ask something

lisa; hmm (she hummed in response)

jk; its tht why are you wearing this (pointing at lisa's outfit

lisa; is there anything wrong with it

jk; its just that (scratches the back of his neck) just like that haha

lisa; that's weird but ok btw i made you bacon and egg is it ok or you want anything else

jk; nah its ok but i am surprised that you made breakfast for me to 

lisa; i mean ofcourse if i don't make breakfast for you than who would make it

jk; oh ok (he was pretty impressed by lisa's attitude)

lisa; go sit their i am bringing the breakfast for you. 

he sat there and waited for lisa to come when his phone rang and it was tzuyu

bold tzuyu and norma jk

jk; hello!

tzuyu; hi babe how are you

jk; i am fine , what about you

tzuyu; i am fine too btw can we go to the mall today actually there is a new collection in  Louis Vuitton and channel and its limited edition so can we go

jk; you can go by yourself i am busy today

tzuyu; busy! today is saturday and you are busy we have to go to the mall my all friends got new bags and sandals from their boyfriends from the new collection what would they think about me if i don't have that stuff. (she replied angrily)

jk; but i told you that i am busy

tzuyu; where you wanna go huh , do you wanna go with that slut 

jk; tzuyu i want to go for my wedding's shopping and you know that i cant say no

tzuyu; why don't you tell your mom that you love me and wanna marry me are you scared of her.

jk; its not that its that if i didn't married lisa than mom will take all the things away from me

tzuyu; s-so that's the problem its ok go with her but atleast give me your credit card

jk; ok sure (he said annoyed)

tzuyu; i am coming at your place to take the card

jk; ok bye

call end...

before tzuyu could say anything else he hang up the phone and was suspicious about tzuyu's intentions. than lisa came and they ate their breakfast and lisa went to her room for changing her clothes to go out for the wedding shopping.

 than lisa came and they ate their breakfast and lisa went to her room for changing her clothes to go out for the wedding shopping

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(lisa outfit)

(lisa outfit)

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(jk outfit)

lisa's unnies were coming to help her, and jk's hyungs came to help him 

jk was waiting for lisa to come, than lisa came and jk eyes sticked to her because she wore shorts and was looking hot+cute

lisa; jk lets go

jk; ahh- hh ok 

they went to the mall 

lisa; so where are unnies and oppa's

jk; (he looked around) "there they are"

lisa;oh unnie oppa (waved at then to signal then)

they all saw lisa and went to jk and lisa

rose; lisa i am so excided for your wedding

jennie; yeah i am sure that you would look hot in the wedding dress and in the party celebration for your wedding

lisa faked smiled

jin; hey kook 

jk; hey hyung

jimin; kook lets find you a perfect suit

taehyung ; lets go to gucci

jisoo; oh god taehyung you started again 

they all went for the shopping.

thank you everyone for reading my story i hope your day goes well bye bye

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