epilogue (24)

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4 years later

lisa; love did you called tae oppa and jennie unnie to come to the resort cuz its the time

jk; yes sweetie they are coming with Jeonsan 

lisa; ok good btw is everyone here 

they set up a birthday party for their son Jeongsan in a really big resort and called some of his friends and some business people and relatives because it was a really big celebration as Jeongsan turned 4 years old

jk; babe they are here HIDE EVERYONE (he said to lisa and then shouted for everyone to get his attention and signaled everyone)

lisa; my baby is here (hiding lisa said to hiding jungkook beside her)

jk; (chuckled) he will turn 4 today


taennie side;

jennie pov; taehyung told me that jungkook called him so we went towards 2 kids one was mine and other one was lisa and jungkook and they were complimenting each other as they were wearing party clothes jeongsan was wearing a suit while ella my daughter was wearing a dress 

jennie pov; taehyung told me that jungkook called him so we went towards 2 kids one was mine and other one was lisa and jungkook and they were complimenting each other as they were wearing party clothes jeongsan was wearing a suit while ella my da...

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(jeongsan wearing its not jeonsan its just suit jeongsan is another boy which i will show you)

(jeongsan wearing its not jeonsan its just suit jeongsan is another boy which i will show you)

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( ella outfit its not ella but consider the dress just like jeongsan)

jennie; aww my babies you guys are looking so nice

jeongsan; nini aunty where are we going in these nice clothes (he asked in a cute voice)

jennie; baby there is a surprise for you

jeongsan; what surprise (he asked innocently)

tae; you will know it afterwards

ella; daddy is that surprise for me as well

tae; no baby it is only for jeongsan 

ella; why not me (she pouted and became sad)

jeongsan; don't be sad we will share it ok (he saw ella getting sad so he cheered her up)

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