realization (17)

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they reached the restaurant  which was a italian restaurant and jk reserved a table for them 

they reached the restaurant  which was a italian restaurant and jk reserved a table for them 

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(the restaurant)

lisa pov; we went to the restaurant after our photoshoots and jungkook booked a table for us i don't know why he is being kinda sweet with me he gave me a flower in the car and was talking about sweet things like how is your day , did you dreamed about me, am i cute, you are such a nice and kind person and so much more sweet but cheesy things he is a really moody person tho he is a guy but its like he is always on his periods.

jk; lisa lets sit their

lisa; ok (smiled)

they sat on the table and the waiter came

waiter; hello ma'am and sir what would you like to have (seeing lisa in a seductive way)

lisa was feeling uncomfortable because he was seeing lisa in a really seductive and bad way and jungkook noticed it

jungkook; Wifey what would you like to have (he said that "wifey" word loudly for the waiter to know that she is his wife)

lisa; oh i would like to have whatever you want

jk; no sweetie get whatever you want as your husband is JEON JUNGKOOK so you deserve this whole word eat whatever you want

the waiter gulped after listening to the name jeon jungkook and changed his expression 

lisa; umm ok i would like to have xxxxx

jk; oh great and i would like to have xxxxx

waiter; o-ok sir (he was scared)

they were waiting for the food to come when someone came and approached them 

tzuyu; hello if you don't mind can me and mingyu sit here i wanna talk about something

jk; n-

lisa; yeah sure

jk; lis-

lisa; jungkook (Showed him eyes that let them)

they sat there tzuyu sat beside lisa and mingyu sat beside jungkook

tzuyu; so i know that i did so much bad with you jungkook you sincerely loved me but i always used you for money but mingyu made me realized that i did really  bad i am so sorry about what i did and also sorry to you lisa i pushed you that day and acted like you bullied me i am so sorry i don't know what happened to me i was just out of my senses i hope that you can forgive me

lisa; so tzuyu everything you did was the past and i admit that jungkook really loved you and i am no one to say anything between what happened between you both but as if for me i forgive you and i hop that jungkook will also forgive you

tzuyu; thank you so much lisa for forgiving me jungkook is really lucky to have a wife like you you are like a angle you forgave me really easily tho i hurt you really badly

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