part 8

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The waterfall concealed the two like a shower curtain. The rushing of water echoes off the rocks behind it. There Bakugo and Kirishima sat in silence. Both of them were imprisoned in their own thoughts. They were fighting the league. Neither of them doubted that. But what both of them did doubt was their skill set. They weren't strong enough. Kirishima was especially weaker in this form compared to his full dragon form. But the collar wouldn't let him change that. So he had to just work on the skills he already had in this form. Meanwhile Bakugo had to build upon what he already had. He needed to learn how to defend and not just attack like he usually does. The League won't be like the normal criminals he would run into. They were the true monsters in this world.

"Kacchan! Kirishima!" A loud voice called. It came from the base of the waterfall. Luckily both boys were skilled enough to hear the call.

"It's Izuku." Kirishima said. He stood up from the little rock ledge both of them were sitting on. "And he's got someone with him."

"Probably Icyhot." Bakugo scoffed and he stood.

"Race you to the bottom!" Kirishima smiled. He went to jump before being grabbed by the scarf.

"Don't you dare fucking jump." Bakugo said.

"Come on I'll be fine!" Kirishima whined, clearly bummed out.

"You promised me you'd never jump. At least until you can shift again." Bakugo's tone was surprisingly serious. Kirishima was a bit taken back by his sudden sincerity.

"Oh. Then we will climb down." Kirishima offered as he scratched the back of his neck. Bakugo nodded and began climbing down. Kirishima climbed down way quicker than Bakugo. Being an overgrown lizard did have it's advantages. At the base of the waterfall stood Izuku and Todoroki.

"Can't believe we're bringing fucking Icyhot." Bakugo grumbled as they made it to the bottom.

"Well he knows where all the houses are plus he's pretty powerful." Izuku said.

"He won't even use his fire magic." Bakugo's arms crossed.

"We're working on that." Izuku smiled. Kirishima looked at Todoroki and held out his hand.

"I'm Kirishima!" He smiled.

"Todoroki." He replied and shook Kirishima's hand. His hand was as cold as ice. It sent chills down Kirishima's spine.

"I thought you had fire magic?" Kirishima asked.

"The reason why he's called half and half is cause he has half ice and half fire magic dumbass." Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"Ohhhhh," Kirishima understood the nicknames now. "That's so cool!" Todoroki rolled his eyes kind of.

"It's whatever" he said in a monotone voice.

"Oi! Are we going or what?!" Bakugo huffed. "which way Icyhot?" He growled. Todoroki nodded.

"We should head southeast. The Shigaraki house is in the southern half of the country." Todoroki explained and pointed in the direction they needed to head towards.

"The Shigaraki house?" Kirishima asked.

"I think I've heard of them. One if their ancestors wielded this sword." Izuku said and pointed to the sword on his back. They began walking in a small group. Bakugo's face was constantly in a pout formation.

"Wait I thought your sword was a chosen one sword. Like only one person could wield it ever." Kirishima said quietly.

"Oh no. Actually it can be wielded by one person per generation. It's a weird thing. Once it's current wielder can't wield it anymore then it moves into the next wielder." Izuku explained pulling out his notebook once again.

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