RocxYn: Is he cheating?

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Yn poured herself a wine glass as her new born was sleeping. It was 3 in the morning and she was waiting in her husband Roc. Now they may have had there ups and downs but he has never cheated and never will, at least she thought so until 2 weeks ago. He jus got promoted at a job and was working with co workers that were.. higher up in the rankings. Roc never did like the amount of money his family lived off of. They weren't rich, they weren't poor, but Roc wanted more. Now after he told his wife about his promotion it was a big dinner party he had to attend, and of course he wanted his family there. When they all got there ,there was a certain thick, lightskinned, pretty chick eyeing rock. Yn didn't mind as she loved it when women gawk at her husband, wishing they had him but know they cant. The only thing was, Roc was eyeing her back which he never did. After that whenever he got off work he looked and smelled suspicious. He never smelled of perfume but like he put on extra cologne. Now, Roc wasn't a dumb man, he never had any other type of evidence. No hickies, no scratch marks, no perfume, no lipstick on the collar, nothing. But tonight was very strange, he had gotten out of bed and accidentally woke Yn up without knowing it. So as soon as he left she's been up and is drinking wine, waiting for him. She didn't have too many and she always needed a cup of wine to cool her down when she was angry. She's not an alcoholic but her mother always smelt of expensive wine and whenever something was wrong with Yn her mother would comfort her, and she would smell the relaxing fragrance of wine. As she finished the 2nd glass she figured that's enough so she wouldn't contaminate her baby's milk. She waited another 30 minutes to hear the door open silently. She heard Roc sigh and go upstairs. She intended to wait 3 minutes before she went upstairs , that was enough time to for Roc to realize she was gone. She then went upstairs and closed their bedroom door. She turned on the light to see Roc terrified. "Where have you been?" She asked the common question that happens in situations like this. " I went for a drive." Roc replied. Yn nodded her head. She took a good look at him and saw he had on a tux. "Why do you have on a tux, it's 4 am." "I needed something to put on while I drive, it's chilly out there." Yn rolled her eyes. "Roc, it's Miami not Cleveland it can never be that cold out here to put on that hot ass tux" Roc tried to talk but Yn stopped him. " No Roc just save it , tell me what's going on.... are you having an affair?" Roc looked at her with disbelief. " what? No w-wha HELL NO!" Yn rolled her eyes "Roc tell me the truth before I choke yo tall yellow ass!!" "IM NOT CHEATING!" Roc shouted waking the baby up in the other room. Yn looked at roc with so much hate. Yn got the baby and went to go back in Her and Rocs bedroom. "Then where did you go from the time u got out of bed...... which I know was 12:30 am and until " Yn looked at the clock on the nightstand. "4:25 in the morning?" Roc sighed, "You want the truth?" Yn nodded " I've been selling again, and tonight we had an important meeting. Look my cousin knows what he's doin babe.. he got me !" Yn nodded and smiled sarcastically. "Yeah because the rival drug dealers coming into our house we had when we were 25, and trying to take me hostage, and didn't receive help from yo ugly , stankin, weed selling ass cousin until 30 minutes later while in the mean time, they were trying to find me and kill you!? Roc please if it wasn't for the shed next to the garage we would be dead by now!" Yn shed a tear. "I don't want my child in this!"' Roc nodded "And he won't be ... Look for you and the sake of our family, I'll do 1 more drop for my cousin tomorrow then talk to him okay, I love you and I will never jeopardize my kids life and yours over some stupid drugs okay. " she nodded knowing he may have been lying. But for now she just has to trust his word. She put the sleeping baby back in his room and they all went to sleep, preparing for the next day.

SOOO how was it?

Did you like how I spinned it instead of the cliché of him cheating?

Do you think Yn was being reasonable?

And part 2 of RocxYn or RocxRay?



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