RayxRoc: "ion play wit no niggas" pt.2

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Dedicated to MsLove2Love because of her wonderful feedback. And I'm going to try to make it long so I hope u like it girl :D.
Ray looked at Roc, shocked at the words coming out of his mouth. " What?" Roc looked into Rays eyes and said it again " Can I Make love to you? " Ray smiled and kissed Roc "of course you can"
(Sorry girl no sex scene. 😂😂)
When they were done they both laid down in Rays bed. " Wow, you were awesome" Roc complemented a sleeping Ray. He chuckled to himself " I done put him to sleep" Roc got up and took a shower stealing a fresh pair of underwear that Ray just bought. When he was done he went to sleep dreaming about how life was gonna be after this. "ROC!" Ray screamed making Roc jump and fall off the bed. Roc rolled his eyes hearing Rays annoying cackle." Man, why u wake me up!? It's the weekend!?" Roc said irritated still on the floor. Ray smirked "Dont be a thief and steal my underwear. That was $200 a pack!" Roc got up from the floor and climbed back in the bed " Yo fault for buying such high ass boxers" As he tried to go back into a peaceful slumber Ray pushed him off. Roc got up and glared at a triumphant Ray . "I see someone forgot who the daddy is." Roc said flirtatiously as Ray shook his head. "No I did not, I think my daddy forgot how to ask " Ray stuck his tongue out . This cute couple horseplay went on for that weekend. But when the weekend was over and they had to go back to school...Rays feelings were seriously hurt. He had just came out of his 3rd period to see Roc flirting with this girl who looked liked a total ho. Ray was just going to forget about it for now and ask him about it later.... Until he kissed her neck and nibbled on her ear. Ray shook his head and went up to Roc. Ray faked smiled at them as he walked up to them. "Hey Roc, wassup?" The girl who Roc was just leaving his DNA all over looked at Ray and bit her lip. Roc looked at Ray and faked smiled too. "Umm nothing" he scratched the back of his neck. "Chilling with uhhhh" he looked at the girl as an sign that he forgot her name. She rolled her eyes at Roc and came closer to Ray. "I'm Lola, and your really cute" Ray looked at er confused. "What?" She chuckled as she put her arms around his neck" I said ' And you are really cute' " Ray unhooked her arms from around him and shook his head"weren't u just all up on Roc? And I bet you don't even know my name ." She chuckled "Well No I don't, but I'll make it my business to.." She bit her lip "along with other things I suppose" "Look I don't mean to be rude but" Ray stepped back " you're really not my type." "Well Ray-" the school bell cut her off and she winked at the boys and theywent to their 4th period class where they had yo sit because they were lab partners. " Look Ray I-" Ray stopped him "Save it for your ho's Roc. It's good that this happens now, that way I know were better off as friends than lovers." Roc shook his head "No were not, Ray I've been in love with you for awhile I was just denying m feelings and now that I have you... You make me happy." Ray scoffed "Obviously you aren't, if you have to get with girls like that Ho out ." Roc took Rays hand. "I love you, nd nothing or no girl is ever going to change that... I promise." Ray gave him another chance and it all worked out. Roc and Ray eventually came out and as expected most hated but most were supportive. Like any relationships they had their ups and downs but they lasted through highschool. They even graduated college together. Note they reside in a nice neighborhood with a child they love near and dear. Sometimes this could happen if you play with niggas.
I hope I made it long enough 😣 my plan was to have it up last week but I was so busy with orientation and switching schools for my new highschool I didn't have time but I tried !  I wanted this up by Sunday and it's 12:00 so here it is on a sunday! Anyway


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2016 ⏰

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