RocxPrince: Bye Roc

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"Baby, wait please dont go!" Roc yelled as Princeton continued to pack.

"No Roc! All you ever did was treat me and our kids like dirt, so i'm leaving and you can have this fucking ring back!" Princeton said yanking off his wedding ring and throwing it at Roc, who stood in the doorway.

"Please dont take Christian and Christina!" Roc yelled referring to his 10 year old twins who were in a deep sleep.

"No, Roc i'm leaving! You should've thought about me and you're kids before you left and cheated on me with some slut!" Princeton said as he zipped up his suitcase,but as Roc refuses for him to go, he grabs Prince's suitcase and throws it across the room.

"ROC WHY DID YOU DO THAT!?" Prince yelled, loud enough to wake the kids who came running into theyre parents' room.

"Papa are you alright?" Christina said rubbing her eyes.

Prince nodded and wiped his eyes that are wet with tears.

"Yes hun, but you and you're brother need to start packing you're things-" Prince said but got cut off by Roc yelling.

"Christina and Christian no you do not! Do not go and touch you're motherfucking clothes!" Roc yelled startling the kids because, they never really here they're Daddy or Papa curse.

Christina leaned over to Christian and whispered" Big brother im scared" It broke both Roc and Princes heart because it sounded like she was on the verge of tears.

Roc came toward Christina and crouched down to her level " Baby girl, dont be scared okay? Me and Papa are just having Problems, and -"

"And go pack you're clothes and Christian pack you're clothes to okay?" Prince intervened.

"Okay" They both said at the same time and ran away to they're rooms.

" Thats it huh Jacob?" Roc said using Princes' real name.

"Yes Chresanto," Prince said using Roc's real name,"this is the 5 th and final time you cheated on me!!" Princeton sobbed getting up and going to get the suitcase Roc threw across the room.

"But Princeton we've been married 13 years!" Roc said crying hard. " You're just gonna throw all that away?"

"Roc, you cheated on me 5 times" Prince said finally leaving out his bedroom door getting followed by Roc.

"BUT THATS NOT ALOT!" Roc screamed.

"It is when 2 of them got pregnant and got abortions, and the other 3 were male strippers!" Prince yelled going down the stairs and out the door. "do you know how much that haunts me at night?!" He said going outside and putting his suitcase in the trunk.

" But Prince please dont take away my babies, please!" Roc said following Prince back into the house.

"Roc you can see then once I get everything situated, other than that im sorry, but you've made you're decision." Prince put his hair in a ponytail and yelled " Kids you done yet!?"

" Yes Papa were done!!" Christian yelled and came down stairs with their suitcases.

"Wait give daddy a kiss goodbye" Roc said crying so hard he felt weak.

The kids didnt know what was going on but got a sense of it, they wen't over and gave roc a hug and kiss and they were out to the car. Prince got in the car, and so did the kids. Before he pulled off Roc stopped him

"Can I get a kiss goodbye too love?" Prince nodded and kissed him goodbye. Prince then drove down the street, all you could here was roc yelling,


Once Prince came to a red light Christian asked

"Papa were we going?"

"On a trip"

"Daddy isnt coming is he?"

"No baby boy"


I know sad right

But was it good or nahhh

Lml but





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