YnxRay: You're What!?

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Ray's P.O.V

Im at home chilling with my girl Yn and we just watchin t.v. untill she run's to the bathroom and throws up. She came back and I asked her what was going on.

"Nothing, just a stomach bug... nothing else." She said clutching her stomach

I sighed "Okay"

2 weeks later

I was over her house and considering we were both 16 she still Justin Bieber posters all over her room.

"So where ya moms at?" I asked curiously so we could get the freak in.

"Work, but um- before we do the freaky I" she sighed " I need to tell you something, like really important"

I instantly got nervous...did she have cancer, is she moving, are we breaking up?

"Im pregnant" She looked up at me with a nervous look, obviously waiting for what I had to say.

Me? I didnt know what to say. I just sat there. My mind racing full of questions. Did her mom know, is it mines, is she lying, should I leave, should I help?

"Well?" Yn said impatiently

When I finally got my vocal chords to work the only thing that could Process was this.

"You're what?" I said In a whisper.

"I said im pregnant, you're the father, andy mom knows and she threatened to kick me out! She said she won't even help with the baby! Ray I need you... PLEASE DONT DENY ME AND THE BABY RAY PLEASE!"

She was bawling her
Eyes out. I automatically knew this baby is mine. I remember that I was her first time. I cant just let her stay here with her mom, since her mom is acting like a straight up bitch.

I sighed and began talking "Okay, I love you and I will love this baby, how many months are you?"

"Well im actually 3 weeks, can I come home with you, please!? I dont want to be here when my mom comes and-"

I cut her off with a kiss. "Im takin you with me, I love you Yn" I put my hand on her stomach "And little Jr." I smiled.

Im having a family......with a girl I love!

Awww <3 I like this story




Bye all my mindless people!!

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