Bright Red Motorcycle

981 26 16

Song: Lemon Demon - Eighth Wonder or Dancing - Mellow Fellow
(Your choice) *on SoundCloud*


"Are you sure about this...?" You mumbled putting on the helmet that Dazai had given you. You sat on the back of the motorcycle, Dazai in the front. "Do you even know how to drive one of these..?"

"Yes I do. And trust me I won't let you get hurt~" Dazai said stretching his hands out. You were nervous. You knew how bad Dazai was at driving a normal car. Why were you letting him do this? You don't know. For all you know you both could end up dead. Or in the hospital.

You hugged his torso and gripped his button up.

"Relax~ I won't kill us. Maybe.." He said kicking up the stand. Dazai started the vehicle, as you tightened your grip a little. He started the motorcycle and sat there for a moment trying to figure something out.

"Chuuya is going to murder you." You said inspecting the red motorcycle a little more.

"That's only if he finds out~" Dazai smirked. He soon took off from a fast start. "Whoops..." he mumbled.

"Hey, I don't think we should-"

He took off out of the garage and into the street. You gripped his shirt for dear life, as you bolted down the street. You both made it to the highway in no time. Your stomach grew full with butterflies as Dazai picked up the speed. "Seeee~ This is funnnn! Wooo!"

You lifted your head a little and looked out. The highway that you were on was close to the ocean. The bright moon reflected on the water. You slightly smiled.

Dazai swerved between cars and other vehicles. Going faster and faster.

Dazai's coat flapped in the wind behind you. You looked out again and saw how beautiful Yokohama was. You were actually having fun at that point. You loosened your grip a little and relaxed, enjoying the ride.

The whole city was lit up. It was beautiful. Different colors from each building shining in the near distance. It was such a nice brake from everything.

Dazai smirked and swerved off the highway. He took a small detour that you had never seen before. You both ended up speeding through a tunnel, before popping right back up on the highway. Dazai knew the city much better then you did, making times like this the most rememberable.

"WOOOO!!" You yelled beaming with a bright smile. You put your hands on Dazai's shoulders, feeling a lot more comfortable. Dazai smiled, it warmed his heart that your were having fun.

Dazai slowed down and cruised around for a while. You wrapped your arms around his torso again, and rested your head on his back.

"Don't fall asleep on me now~" He said giggling.

"This is so nice.." You thought to yourself. You thought it was such a nice brake from the big case that you and Dazai had been working on. Though you had only been on the case for 2 days, it was stressful. You had only been working at the agency for a year now and this was the biggest case you've ever been in charge of.

Dazai slowed down quite a bit more, as he coasted back onto the main city roads. Going past the office, and into the area of Chuuya Nakahara's apartment building. Coming to a slowed stop in the same little garage from earlier that night.

You slid off the vehicle and took off the helmet. Dazai put the kick stand up and got of too. Without saying a word he put his hands on your shoulders and kissed your cheek. You being relevantly shorter than him, he had to bend down a bit.

"We should get back to the apartment yeah? It's pretty late." He said staring into your eyes.

"Yeah." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck.


You didn't realize how late it actually was when you were both out. It was around 10:40 when you had stepped into the apartment. You slid off your shoes and took off Dazai's coat, hanging it on the coat rack. Dazai ran inside the apartment and plopped down face first on the couch. He reached over to the coffee table and grabbed a random book.

That was what he would do when getting home. He would sit on the couch in the small living room and read a book. You would sit there with him, also reading a book or playing a game. Him on one end of the couch, you on the other. With your legs on his lap. He'd rub them and him softly. That's were you would both fall asleep most nights. Bad habits.

And that's what you planned on tonight. Dazai was already in his spot on the couch, trying to find a new book to read. You wanted comfortable clothes, knowing that your would probably fall asleep there. You walked into the closet, which was in the bedroom, and changed into shorts and one of Dazai's white button-ups. He wouldn't mind.

You trotted back to living room and sat next to your beloved boyfriend, who already had his nose in a book. You looked at him with a bit of unexpected lust in your eyes..

"So Dear, What are the plans tonight.?"


I'm on spring break! Posting schedule should be back to normal. The next chapter will be a little confusing, there will be a section of it that is optional to read. If you don't want to read it, you don't have to. But the other half is part of the plot.

All will make more sense once the next chapter is published.
The next chapter will be out on Sunday<3

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