Osamu Dazai {3}

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Dazai's POV


Osamu Dazai.

Osamu Dazai, the youngest executive in the Port Mafia.

Soon to be the youngest boss. I'm going to assume he will assassinate me, and take my place as boss.


"I feel numb."

"I'm going to do it."

"Why did you leave."

"I had fun."

"I'm sorry."



"I'm happy now."



"Well yeah. It said Bar on it. I asked why it was important to you. But if you don't want to answer you don't have to—"

"I'll just show you then. Follow me." I turned directions and started walking down an alley. Y/N followed close behind me, out of curiosity. We walked out the other side out the ally and onto the street, crossing it and heading into another ally. Soon we had made it to our destination.

The Lupin Bar.

"You know, you could have just told me you were taking me to the bar itself." Y/N mumbled, looking up the glowing sign.

"I know, but what if I wanted to be mysterious? Plus, I thought it was pretty obvious that we were going here." I stated, shrugging. We walked down the stairs, to the small bar, that was dimly lit. It had never changed. The interior had never changed over the years, and I liked it that way. If things were to change here I don't even know if I would be able to come here anymore.

We trotted over and sat at the bar, I was somewhat hesitant over the whole situation. I was starting to regret bringing them here. Again, I barely knew the person. But my dumbass had brought them here out of pure stupidity. Though,... They did look happy that I brought them here. I don't know why they trusted me to actually bring them here. We barely knew each other and they were technically trusting me with their life. It was weird. But I was too tired to pay much attention to that aspect of it. 

I ordered my usual and they ordered whisky. I was also sitting in my usual spot while they sat to my right.. In his spot. I didn't feel like telling them about it to I just let them. I didn't pay much mind to that either.. 

"So, if you don't mind me asking," 

Oh no, here it comes.

"What was your perfection before joining the agency? I heard a majority of the members were still trying to figure it out." 


That was unexpected. It was nice that they didn't just get straight to the main reason why we came here. It was really nice actually. 

"People don't know for a reason, everyone is still betting on it." I stated with a sly grin.

"Oh come on. I'm guessing you were part of some other organization. Your skill set seems similar to mine, so I'm guessing you were cut from a similar tree," They said, taking a sip from their glass.

"What organization were you with?" I asked, turning to face them. I was actually curious about this. from what they just said, they implied that they were with another organization before the ADA too. I hadn't heard anything about them prier to them joining the ADA. So, this could be some useful information to know—

"I asked you first," They said, making eye contact with me. Damn.. I noticed that their glass was almost empty, so they must have been a little tipsy,... Because that look they gave me... That look could make me do anything. So, I caved.

"I was with the Port Mafia before the agency." I replied quickly, "Now what about you? Who were you with before the agency?" I was surprised they didn't gasp or look at me weird from hearing that I was once part of one of the most dangerous organizations in Yokohama. 

There was a long pause while Y/N starred intently at there glass. They soon sighed and buried their face in their arms. 

"I don't know.." They muttered turning on the side of their head to face me, "I don't remember." for some reason I thought I understood them for not remembering.

"That's ok." I reassured.  



The rest of the night went on smoothly. We had laughed and talked the night away, both high on life itself. Never once did the question I was waiting for all night come up. No difficult questions, no sappy shit. 

Just me and Y/N. 


"Would you like it if your prince charming to walk you home.?" I asked as the both of us walked up the stairs, and out of the bar.

"No no, prince charming should get his rest. I'll be fine on my own." Y/N replied, patting my shoulder.

"But there's some real creeps out there you know.." I stated looking to the my side as we walked down the ally. 

"Would you say that one of those creeps... is you?" They giggled and covered their face with their hands. 

"Hey.. That's not very nice. Your prince charming was just trying to be a gentleman." I pouted, crossing my arms and slouching. 

"I was just joking. You're not a creep, and I mean that." Their voice had gotten softer when they said that. It was comforting, and I almost didn't know how to react. "But.. You are a goof."

"Well that's a given my dear! I wouldn't be me if I wasn't a little wacky." I snapped, pointing finger guns at them. 

"But you're a lotta wacky." They said covering their face again. 

"Again, it's a given~" I purred. 

"Yeah yeah..." 

We kept walking for a while, coming on my apartment building, though Y/N was still walking next to me. And what a coincidence. They lived in the same apartment building as me. I couldn't tell if being that close was a good thing or a bad thing if I'm being honest. 

We split ways and walked to out doors, still being able to see each other. We gave each other that awkward little wave and walked into out apartments. Once I had  closed my door, I leaned my back against it, trying to take in everything that had happened. Not that anything bad had happened, it was just a lot, though nothing really happened. 

That night was one of the few nights I actually got sleep. They were like magic to me. Everything was great. Everything was perfect..

But things changed quickly after a year or so.



The next chapter will be the last part of Osamu Dazai, there we will get back to present time:)

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