"Just like Her"

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Song: Not Allowed - TV Girl



"Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up-"

"No.. Why do you think that if you don't mind me asking.?" You mumbled, letting go of him. Dazai sighed,

"I don't know.. I just don't really know how to take all of this in. I'm confused because I don't know if you're going to turn out like my past girlfriend and I-"

"What.." You cut him off, "Why would you compare me to her..?" You knew how terrible Dazai's past girlfriend was. You had seen it first hand when they were still dating. You were upset that he would compare the both of you, and question if you would do the same.

"I just- ... This just feels too good to be true. I don't know how this relationship is going to go. I don't know if you're going to turn out like her. I don't know if-"


Dazai held the side of his face in pain. You stood still with your fists clenched, looking up at him in disbelief.

"I get that you're confused and can't take all of this in, but why compare me to her?! And thinking that I'll end up like her..What the hell Dazai.."

"No, What the hell Y/N. You don't get to tell me that my feelings are wrong in this situation.. It's how I feel about things and if you have your own opinion on it then fine, but you don't get to take that out on me." Dazai muttered staring at the floor.

"I'm not taking anything out on you. I just don't know why you would think that I'm using you. And think that I would turn out like her... My plan was never to use you.."

"Then what was your plan in the first place?!"

You both were confused and upset, over one little thought. You were both technically yelling at each other at this point.

"My plan was to love you and be there for you. But you can't seem get that through your thick skull." You yelled, "I knew that at the time we started getting closer to each other you had just gotten out of a bad relationship and I wanted to be there for you. I didn't know what it was going to turn in to but I didn't care. I wanted to make sure you were okay after everything. Because I care about you." You began to rant,

"I didn't know what this was going to turn into when I first met you. When I joined the ADA I didn't know what I was getting myself into, relationships and otherwise. I didn't know that I would fall in love with you, I didn't know if we were even going to be friends, but god we just had fucking sex..." You mumbled the last part, chuckling in disbelief.

"I didn't know what this was going to turn into either! And I still don't know what's going to happen. I don't know if your going to turn out like her and I don't want to take any risks of that happening." Dazai replied.

"What lead you to think that I would turn out like her?!"

"You just act like her sometimes!" Dazai froze and widened his eyes realizing what he had just said.

Your heart dropped.

"I..what...?" Your voice became a mer whisper.

"No I didn't mean it..."

"I'm gonna go.." You mumbled turning for the bedroom door.

"Wait Y/N I didn't mean it!" He pleaded, grabbing your wrist and pulled back.

"Let go of me.." You demanded turning to look him in the eye. He let go of you almost instantly. You walking out of the room and straight for the door. Slipping on your shoes and grabbing your bag. You opened the door to your apartment and realized it was raining. You didn't notice due to the arguing. You plunged into the rain and slammed the apartment door behind you.

Dazai winced at the sound of the door closing. He stood still in the small hallway, with his failed attempted of catching you. He was still processing all of what just happened, when he glanced at the coat rack. He sighed,

"It's raining... And they didn't even take my coat..."


Sorry for the later update! I was busy all day today😪 I changed one of the songs from the last chapter so I could use it here.

Next chapter will be up on Sunday :)

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