Chapter 1.2: Arizona and Jo - what happened last night?

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The next day at the hospital...

Arizona goes down to the cafeteria to get her lunch when she sees Jo sitting with Meredith.
"hey Arizona" Meredith says as the blonde walks up to the table holding her lunch tray. "Hey Mer... Umm Jo, did I take someone home last night? I woke up this morning on the sofa, naked and my clothes were all around the room". Meredith interrupts her giggling "sounds like you had a fun night".
"Well the last I remember is asking if you wanted to do shots, do you know anything that happened after that?" Arizona continues to say as Jos pager goes off "oh no no no no!" She shouts and runs off.
Arizona sits down beside Meredith starting to eat lunch with a pout "I must have drunk a lot last night." "Well you do look like crap" Meredith giggles and gets up patting her on the shoulder and walking off, leaving Arizona alone eating.

The end of the day...
Arizona walks to the attendings lounge to get changed ready to go home, when she walks in Jo is in there. "Oh Jo, you ran off earlier before you could answer me. So do you know what I did?" She asks giggling whilst getting her bag out. "Actually... yeah you did take someone home" says Jo sitting on the sofa. "Yeah I thought so, do you know who, was it just a random girl from the bar?" She pulls her scrub bottoms off and begins to put on her jeans. Jo getting up and beginning to slowly walk over to her "no, not a random girl". Now taking her scrub top off and standing in her bra, she stops and turns to Jo "oh no, who was it? What did I do?". Jo has now walked over and is standing right in front of Arizona. she steps in and places her hands round the blondes waist "um me". Arizona steps back "what? You and me? Me and you?" She is confused. "Yes" Jo giggles and tries to step towards her again. Arizona puts her hands out "no, your, your with Alex? You're not even into women?!". "We broke up, I told you last night. Do you seriously not remember anything?" jo asks. "Clearly!" Arizona shouts. "Well you've been into me for a while, haven't you?" Jo jokes. "W-what? N-no I haven't!" Arizona tries to brush it off. "So you haven't wanted me since I stripped in front of you stealing your shower that one time?" "I-I" Arizona laughs, not knowing what to say "I don't know what you're talking about", Arizona's heart starts to speed up. Jo step over to Arizona again, she drags her hand up Arizona's arm, onto her shoulder, slowly pulling her bra strap down. "You told me last night, you wanna know what else happened last night?" She giggles. "I um - I" Arizona is shocked, she has had a crush on Jo for a while now, but she didn't think anything would ever happen, now she knows Jo wants her, she is struggling to hold herself back, but she is fighting with herself because this is Alex's ex, she doesn't even know what happened with them or why they broke up. But to Arizona, she doesn't remember last night, she cannot remember what Jos body feels like, she doesn't remember how she tastes. She is desperate to rip her clothes off. She can't fight it anymore, she urgently pushes jo backwards into the door, she looks into Jos eyes, heavily breathing, still trying to stop herself, Jo decides to grab Arizona's face and pulls it into hers, passionately kissing her, she starts to try to deepen the kiss by running her tongue along Arizona's bottom lip, Arizona opening her mouth to allow Jos tongue entrance. Arizona gently bits on Jos tongue causing her to moan in the blondes mouth. Arizona's then smiling against Jo's lips. The brunettes hands begin to wander up the blondes back, then running her fingers under the straps of her bra, she goes to unclip it when Arizona steps back. "What's wrong?" Jo asks. "This feels wrong" she walks over to her bag and puts her T-shirt and jacket on "I have to go", picking up her bag she walks over to the door, jo still stood in front of the door moves to open it for her without saying a word.

That evening...

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