Chapter III

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{Next day}

Maple's Pov

Come on I've been shaking you for a good minute now! Wake up! "WAKE UP! Y/n you need to see this!" I anxiously yell. If this bitch doesn't wake up I'll push them off the couch.

Y/n's Pov

I open my eyes to see Maple aggressively trying to push me off the edge of the couch. "WHAT THE FU-" "Y/N GET UP YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!" Maple cut me off, confused I deftly slide the soft blanket off my chest and down to my waist as I sit up , I listen to the sound of them rewinding the tv back through whatever un important things were on.

I stare at the screen in pure shock as the sight of Peter's head sit on his house's porch suddenly  I had a flashback from yesterday after class


I heard putting my stuff from the recent class in a pile. I walk out of my classroom and around the corner to see fight going on, Really! On my first day of school! I hear people behind the kinda beefy guy yell "Jason! Jason!" So I assumed that was the beefy jock dude's name.

Aster and Lynx's dad's taught us some self defense tips that they would use at their work, I still knew it because I practice everyday in my basement/gym. I kicked this JaSoN guys legs from behind so he falls as he hits his head and goes na night😌.

I brought the other dude to what I think is the nurses office? I grabbed some bandages and wiped his bloody nose, and put ointment on his black eye and bruises. For a split second I thought I saw hearts in his eyes like we were in an anime and I was the main character.

"What's your name kid" I asked him to break the silence while I was still fixing up the dudes bruises, "W-What?" he stuttered so I stopped fixing his bruises so maybe he could hear me properly because if I'm being honest I was starting to get annoyed. "I said" I started as I stopped looking at his shoulder and went in front of his face "What's your name kid" I finished my sentence with no emotions.

I must've been to close to his face because he started thinking out loud and said "s-so close, a-are they gonna k-kiss me?" I internally rolled my eyes because we just met and I was trying to help him. "U-Um oh yeah! My name is Peter Woods but please call me Peter!" He finally said.

After that I tried to start small talk, it worked he kept stuttering and blushing. I walked out and to my locker because I was done tending to his wounds, but...he followed? I thought it was strange but I didn't care I just wanted to get my books and go.

"Wait up!" He called after me. "What Peter" I said kind of annoyed, "Um I think I like like you you know?" He said unfazed on how weird that is because I JUST MET HIM! "Um Sorry I don't feel the same, sorry" I tried to sound sad but I'm honestly am not BECAUSE I JUST MET HIM 40 MINUTES AGO! He ran away. 

[Flashback ended]

"Not gonna lie that's kind of cool and gross at the same time" I said with  tiny stars in my eyes, "tsk to think they're still making us go to school today..." Maple said still staring at the screen.


Yup, that's it for this chapter peace.

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