Chapter IV

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Ok, that was a lot to take in from this morning. A STUDENT DIED! Maybe if he was smarter he wouldn't of g- I got cut off in my thoughts by aster yelling "Y/n, Y/N!" "WHAT" I yelled scared because I didn't know what they were gonna say or what was happening. "Get on the train dumbass" Aster completed their sentence while rolling their eyes, "Ok Bakugou" I wait in a sarcastic tone while rolling my eyes jokingly. Even though aster was yelling at me it and the death last night it was still a kind of peaceful train ride.

We kept walking and talking, suddenly the group well mostly atlas started talking about bOyS. "Yup no I'm out" I said walking away from the group. "Was it something I said?" I heard atlas say "Of course it was idiot" aster told their sibling than I bet you could guess what happened next, yup a fight. I followed Suna's fight page and made the connection that Aster and Atlas are like the Miya twins.😐

I lowkey just ran to my locker because I don't know I was bored. "OoooOOo" I said just like in 5th grade when a girl told her friends that they had a crush on someone. "Yay!" I said smiling like a 5 year old when their dad let them on the merry go round "More candy" my smile the led to a smirk. Oh look another note I said in my head so not everybody knows my business, the note said:

Hey Y/n:)

I'm sad I didn't see you yesterday because of the death:(

But at least you're here today,

That's all that matters

Anyways I hope you like the candy I got you

Don't worry it's not drugged like what your friend said


How did they know what Maple said? Um that's strange, That's suspicious! It doesn't matter because you know FREE candy AND it's my favorite again so like what's the point on wasting it. My thoughts were interrupted by the bell ringing. What the hell was that for I said in my head while rubbing my ears who were in pain. What's that bell for anyway I thought OH RIGHT CLASS I yelled in my thoughts as I threw the candy in my backpack, took out my books for class in a hurry shoved everything else in my locker. Shit I forgot my phone! I said in my head but my inner voice screamed at me Who gives a shit about that right now! You're gonna be late! Right right I agreed with it as I ran faster.

{After class because I don't have time for that}

I ran out of that classroom because I was late to lunch! The stupid teacher gave me a lecture about how "wonderful" it is getting there on time and blah blah blah. They finally said do you understand and I said yes teacher because if I'm being honest I forgot their name I think it was Mr. Oreo or was it Mrs. OH WHO CARES LUNCH IS AT STAKE!

I ran faster finally I made it I looked like a mess trying to look for my friends at a table but did I care? No. Atlas saw me and started waving their arms saying "Y/n! Y/n! Here!" I walked over and sat eating my candy as I remembered the letter and it was signed "K" not gonna lie it kind of reminded me of those ads that went like "Every kiss begins with Kay" those promise ring jewelry stuff that couple wear.

It made me laugh but then I saw those boys, the one I bumped into on my first day and his bed head rooster looking friend. "Hey um Kenma was it" I said as I walked up to him "yeah" he answered me "Remember me, you know the person that bumped into you sorry about that by the way" I said nervously because I HATE talking to new people but he isn't that new so it was fine. "Yes I remember you" He probably thought about it because he chuckled then blushed which is weird but I didn't mind it. Than his bed head rooster friend yelled to Kenma " Kenma stop talking and come over and eat!"

"But-" I cut him off by accident not knowing he was talking and said "I mean he is right, you should go eat" I grabbed his hand from instinct and instantly realized what I did "Sorry! Sorry! It's an instinct!" I said bowing really embarrassed and my face turning red. So I ran back to my friends. "What was that Y/n" Aster said smirking "Shut up before you end up like Peter" I quickly said eating more of my candy to calm my nerves. Hoping I don't see him for a while or at least until I can get over what just happened.

Kenma's Pov

"Hey who was that you were talking to Kenma?" Kuroo asked me, I didn't know what to say! "Um they're my friend" I said but soon they'll be more then that. "Awww you're making friends how cute" Kuroo said again messing up my hair I mean I love the guy but sometimes he can be a pain in the behind.

{After Lunch and school}

Y/n's Pov


hey y/n we're going to the store

atlas the water dragon🧜‍♂️

We all are

Yea, I kinda got that

lynx the frickin gay frog🐸

can we buy a frog. please.

No. Bye.

My friends and I parted ways because they went to the store to buy aster more monster. I started to walk past the gym because listening to the balls hit the ground reminds me when I used to play in middle school. Till I open my eyes and a ball is coming towards me, I set the ball towards the boys but they all stood there in shock.

"You guys ok?" I said walking in the gym to make sure they're fine. "Yeah, we're good" the bed head rooster said he then "whispered" to kenma I mean I guess he though he was but I could still hear him, "hey kenma I didn't know your friend here was good at volleyball". Kenma stayed quiet I don't know if he was amazed or something else.

The boys on the team kept asking me questions about volleyball and this one dude who not gonna lie looked kinda bald kept asking about my love life asking if I was single and that kind of stuff. I was very confused but I tried not to think about it that much. The bed head rooster asked me if I wanted to practice with them just for fun, obviously I said yes because volleyball is so fun to me.

I did a couple sets with them and sometimes even served it calmed me but I soon realized that it was nine o'clock "oh shit" I remarked being surprised we played fo so long. I thanked the boys for letting me play with them and before I could hear what they replied with I grabbed my backpack and phone than ran out of the school and straight to the train station. I texted my friends and asked them if they were at my house they all replied with "Yup" from atlas, "Yeah" from Maple, "yes‼🥶" from aster, and "yessir!!🤪" from lynx. "Tch" I said then laughed because all of them have such different personalities.

The train came to a stop, I grabbed my stuff and ran to my house. I had a bad feeling that someone was following me but I brushed it off and ran faster just to be safe, I heard someone or something run fast behind me. I picked up my pace and ran home and inside because my idiotic friends left the door unlocked. I took a shower and made myself a cup of hot chocolate because treat yo self. I relaxed and laughed with my friends feeling safe once again forgetting what happened outside but little did I know that was the least crazy thing that was about to happen.


I tried to write more and add more kenma in this but that's it for now until tomorrow.

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