Chapter VI

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Today I'm going to art class. Mixed feelings about that, I'm kinda good and bad at art. The only time I ever thought I was good at art is because you know how parents say "Oh my gosh sweetheart that's so good!" and every time you admitted to it being bad they still tried to make you believe and wouldn't stop till you admitted it was good. But yeah other than that I suck at art, but sculpting I can get behind.

I'm so hungry, but my thoughts got interrupted by a way to preppy voice. Are they ok? "Hello class!" The teacher said with a giant smile on their face, "My name is Sandy and I go by any pronouns so have at it and do whatever" They soon walked off to their desk.  Finally a teacher I can respect, after classes I gotta tell the fruity pebbles. Yes I just named our friend group fruity pebbles and again yes it's because we're gay.

I sat in a stool while I waited for more kids. I started reading everything in the room, what it contains, to keep it it away from children- WAIT DID THE PAINT BOTTLE JUST SAY TO 'KEEP IT AWAY FROM CHILDREN' I WANT OUT LET ME GO. I was what I would say rudely interrupted with my thoughts by this 'human' talking to me.

"Hey you ok you seem like you just saw a ghost?" It said. This person surely was pretty, it had dark red hair with kind of a lot of pastel colored makeup up on, a white collared light green shirt and, dark blue ripped jeans. "Anyways My names Amy how about you" Amy said with a smile on it's face. "Y/n" I said not feeling like engaging in physical contact. "Um anyways are you" It started, It went to itch it's head being discreet about the matter whatever the frickle doodle it was.

Amy in between itching did '💅' OHHHHH AMY WAS TRYING TO SEE IF I WAS STRAIGHT. I nodded which seemed to make her happy " Thank the lords, What's your sexuality and pronouns?" She asked "I'm genderfulid and I go by any pronouns" I answered mumbling because humanity is shit. "COOL! I'm a lesbian and I go by She/Her" I smiled because I just made a friend, I think?

Unknown's Pov

Why Y/n why. You know I'm the only one that needs you, that needs you love, your touch, attention. You just haven't realized it yet, you'll find out soon darling very soon.

Y/n's Pov

"Ok ok class today we are gonna draw what we think equality should look like, now grab your pencils and go my pretties" She said. "This class seems fun" I said to Amy which is rare because most teachers suck. "Yeah it really i-" Amy got brutally cut off by 'Jason🎣🏈🇺🇸👩≠🧔‍♂️' "Like how white people don't have equality, Good one right hāhāhā" He said laughing like a demented dinosaur roar that was a stoner. "Oh really?" Ms. Sandy said "How so?" She continued. IT WAS SO HILARIOUS TO WATCH HIM BE SURPRISED A S STUTTER SO MUCH ME AND AMY WERE LAUGHING WHILE WE WERE PAINTING.

Sadly but surely the class was over and onto the depressing classes.

{Two depressing classes later}

FINALLY LUNCH. Wait.... I FORGOT TO PACK MY FUCKING FOOODDDDD. I'm gonna cry. I open my locker to put my stuff in and a frickin bento box coincidentally was in my locker. Sweet I thought as I walked to the.....what is it called... the place where you eat at... in school.. never mind I GOT FOOD BITCHES. um...i got lost so i ended up eating in the hallway... As I'm eating I never really noticed there was there was a sticky note I guess I'll realized since my fucking dory ass friends frickin forgot about me.

The note traced every letter like the person writing it was trying to be convinced themselves that that's what they wanted to say.

I saw you forgot your lunch
So I felt like helping you out
You owe me now even though I would've done it for free but it's the nice thing to do

hmmm alright, since you won't tell me your name 'k' I'll call you JB short for Jewelry Brand until you fess up.

After I finished eating I walked to my locker to put the remaining food so I can eat it at home. Good now off to find my friends and snatch them. Aster, yanked down the hall and thrown 'gently' outside.
Maple, dragged down the hall and out the school to the sidewalk with aster just dealing with it and making this face '😐'. Lynx somehow in their fuckin gremlin ass body got on top of the lockers and was on all fours screaming at atlas about not wanting genshin impact on their phone they were pretty easy to capture you just gotta yeet a caprice sun outside the door. I just honestly didn't wanna be at school anymore. We started about all the juicy secrets as we went to different places until school actually ended so my parents wouldn't be suspicious.

As we were walking to the house talking about school some more it went quiet for a bit, but then they started asking questions. "Y/n you know you we have classes after lunch right" Maple tried telling me "Yeah I know......." It was at that moment I heard someone yelling my name it wasn't loud it was quiet then it started getting louder. Someone chasing us. "Run."


i just didn't have any motivation for a while🤷

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2021 ⏰

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