Piece by piece

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Matsuda was sent with Misa out of the room. I wondered where they were going.

I stood up and stretched my arms and legs. I closed my eyes tight and reopened them to keep them from hurting. I yawned. "So how does someone like you know someone like Matsuda?" I hear a voice and I turn around to see Light. "Yeah, how did that play out?" Aizawa asks. I look at them a bit confused. "What do you mean someone like me?" I asked sitting down again. "It's not a bad thing." Light smiles. I shake my head and L brings over more papers. I mentally groan. "Here are some more you might want to look over." He says handing me the papers. "Thanks." I say looking up at him. He doesn't look at me, he just hands me the papers and walks back to his chair. I noticed how tall he was. He must be about 5'9 or 5'10. Either way he's taller than me. I'm about 5'5.

"It wasn't an insult, it's more like...how does someone as...pretty as you...know someone...well not so pretty as Matsuda?" Aizawa chuckles. I look up and then back down at my papers. I hear L moving around in his crouched position to get comfortable again and light stands up. "I'm flattered you think I'm pretty, but should it really matter how good looking one is to know someone who may not be?" I ask not looking up from the papers I'm sorting out. The room falls silent. "I hope you didn't take that offensively, me and Matsuda met through my older brother, they were best friends and me being the younger sister, Matsuda helped look after me as if I were his younger sister as well." I say. "Oh, that's nice." I here Aizawa say. He rubs the back of his neck nervously. I realized I made things awkward for them. "I'm sorry about how I put you guys on the spot it's just-" I was cut off. "No, we're sorry, we shouldn't have worded it like that." Light says smiling across the room at me. "It's okay." I say and continue reading and stacking papers. I notice something out of place and immediately push my chair over to L. Light and Aizawa watch. "Ryuzaki." I say meekly since he looks busy. "Yes?" He said turning the chair to face me. I shifted a bit. I felt like a field mouse under the eye of a hawk. "I uh...I found that on this date here, there's about 14 killings." I paused and L keep staring at me. "But on another paper with the same date, it says there was 12 and-" I was cut off by L. "Second kira." He slightly smiled at me. "Strange, I had light look at the same papers yesterday and he didn't mention this to me." L cocked his head to look at light. Light glared at him. "Now Ryuzaki, in my defense, it was late and I was tired, it was an honest mistake, anyone could have missed that." Light argued. I slowly pushed my rolling chair back to the desk. "Y/n didn't miss it." L stated and turned back around. I pushed away faster and tapped the stack of papers on the desk and laid them in order. "Good, observation, Y/n." L said as he lifted another strawberry over his head to examine it before it was lowered helplessly into his mouth to be eaten. I wondered if strawberries just appear for him to eat. "Thank you." I said and continued working.

Matsuda walked back through the door with Misa bouncing in with excitement. She was holding a magazine of some sort. "Oh my gosh, light!" She said dragging out the I in his name. She sighed and turned to look at her just as she jumped onto him making him fall on the couch. "What is it Misa?" He asked trying to push her off. She let go but only to hold up the magazine with both hands. "I'm in the top 15 for best model of the year!" She bounced up and down on the couch cushions. She shrieked and hugged light again. "Congrats Misa Misa!" Matsuda said equally has happy has Misa. "Thanks Matsuda!" She stood. "Well, I'm off to bed, I have that big photo shoot tomorrow!" She announced and basically skipped up stairs. "Goodnight everyone!" She stopped at the third step to turn around and wave off at everyone. Everyone said goodnight except L once again who didn't budge from his spot. "Good night, light." She said in a more flirty tone. "Goodnight." Light said not even looking up at her as he walked over to sit by L. She skipped up the stairs. Light doesn't seem to into Misa even though their dating. I looked at him weird, but shook it from my thoughts.

I stood up once again and wiped sweat off the palm of my hands on my jeans. "Weird...I must be nervous or stressed about all this paper work." I thought as I wondered about my sweaty palms. I approached the back of L and light. I cleared my throat and light turned around. "Hi." He said with a smile. "Hey, do you know where Wateri might have put my bag?" I asked. "I have no idea." Light said, he sounded honest. Suddenly Wateri popped up on a small screen of one of the computers. "Hello, Y/n would like to know where you may have left her bag." L greets the suited man. "I left it in your room." Wateri says. Light stares at L. "Thank you, you've been of great help." L says to Wateri before the screen goes blank. Light continues to stare at L oddly. "Yes, light? Is there a question you would like to enlighten me with? Perhaps It's about why Y/n's bag is in my room, as you know I rarely sleep, and since we're low on rooms, I've humbly handed my room over to our guest." L says putting his arms around his knees as he only turns his head to look at light. I awkwardly shuffle towards the stairs. "Thank you, for both the location of my bag and the room." I say before jogging up the stairs.

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