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Misa and I arrive at the mall, after a 25 minute walk of hearing how great light is I was ready to hang myself from the nearest tree. Misa took me to all her favorite stores and tried on pretty much everything. I just sat on a bench out of the changing room. "Ya know, I really think you should get this." Misa says hanging a blue dress over the changing room door. It had to pockets in the front of the dress and a heart shaped cut out at the top for the breast area, it was about knee length. "Mmm, I don't know, I'm not big on dresses." I say almost monotone like L. "Oh come on." She pouts as she steps out dressed in some shorts and a tank top. She holds the dress up to me as if pretending to envision me in it. I pull her hand down to get her to stop but her arm only springs back to continue. I decide to look off in another direction. "I'm sure you'll get your precious Ryuzaki's attention with this." She hugs the dress to her and I look at her through the corner of my eye. "Why do you say that?" I question looking at her as I cross my arms. She giggles. "I dunno, you guys seem perfect for each other." She turns to the mirror and holds up the dress to herself as she models for herself in the mirror. I look at her through the mirror. "What do you mean." I lean forward a bit. She shrugs. "He's serious, you're serious, he likes sweets you like sweets, he's wanting to take down kira and so you do." She states looking back at me through the mirror. I stay quiet for a minute. "Maybe it's just a coincidence." I think to myself. "You're the only one he actually seems to talk to besides that man...Wateri is it?" Misa asks turning to me. I nod. She turns back to the mirror. "Besides, he knew you were going to lunch with that guy, and he waited until your lunch break to call you instead of anytime before or after." She states. Maybe Misa isn't as stupid as she plays to be. I never really thought L planned that out. "This is nonsense." I say. She giggles. "I was in the room when Matsuda told him you were going on that date, I told them it wasn't a date but Matsuda continued and Ryuzaki didn't seem to happy...but then again when's the last time you saw that guy smile, am I right?" She giggles. "He actually smiles often." I say coming to his defense. She turns around to face me again. "He doesn't smile with anyone else...this proves, oh I'm so happy for you!" She jumps up and down and pulls me out of the seat to hug me. "What? Why?" I question confused. "Quick, put this on!" She shoves me into the dressing room. "Misa is this necessary?" I ask a little irritated turning around to be met with a dress thrown in my face. I yank the dress off my head and squint at Misa who giggles. "Oops sorry, and yes now put it on!" She cheers and closes the door. I decide to give up and get changed into it. "Okay, I'm going to change back into my clothes now." I state. "Wait!" She says and it causes me to stop reaching for the zipper in the back. "Get out here and lemme look at you." She demands. I can her the smile in her tone. I sigh and roll myself as I open the door I step out and put my hands on my hips. "Aaahhhh oh my gosh you look so cute, you should wear dresses more often, please buy this and wear it!!!" She hugs me again and turns me around. I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I have to admit it does look rather nice on me. "Alright, alright, I'll buy it." I say. "Great, then ice screams on me." She says picking up some other outfits. "Met you at the check out counter." She says and rushes to the front. I follow behind and pay for my stuff. "Thank you come again." The lady at the register says smiling at me and handing me my purchase. I only smile and turn to walk away. I sigh and stop just outside the little store to catch my breath and have a chance to fight back a headache I could feel coming on. "Alright ready?" Misa says linking her arm in mine. I nod only to be dragged down the wide walkways of the mall to the food court for ice scream. "Choose your flavor, I'll order while you find seats." She smiles. "Mint chocolate chip please." I say scanning the tables. "That's the green one right?" She asks. "Yes, that's the one." I half smile at her. "Okie dokie." She gives me a thumbs up and turns to walk towards the line. I walk off in the direction of a table. I pull out a chair and relax back feeling my feet thank me. They started to hurt by the third store we stopped at...we went to at least 10 stores afterwards. My temples were throbbing and I was in need of some ice scream indeed. I planned to walk Misa back and then head home and maybe watch a movie or catch up on some reading. I realized I was starting off into space just as I floated back down to reality I saw Misa walking up with our orders. "Here ya go." She smiles and passes me a cone with two scoops of mint chocolate chip. "Ah, thanks a million." I say in relief and immediately start eating it. She giggles and I slowly stop eating. "What?" I question. She shrugs. "Nothing." And takes a spoonful of here banana split. "Then why'd you laugh?" I chuckled and licked the ice scream that was starting to melt. " get all worked up about sweets too." She states. I frown knowing she's referring back to how well L and I would go together. "Honestly, I don't even think Ryuzaki has time for a girlfriend and I quiet frankly don't have time for a boyfriend." I say deciding to clear up her little plans or whatever she maybe thinking about L and I. "Oh come on, when's the last time you had a boyfriend?" She questions scooting her chair in to engage in the conversation better. "Let's see...I'm 22 now last boyfriend was when I was 18." I say like it was no big deal, because, well, it really wasn't a big deal. Misa looks surprised. "How long did you guys date." She asks. I raise an eyebrow at her. "Why was everyone so interested in my life?" I think to myself. "Come on tell me." She insists. I must have been quiet for to long. "About a month." I confess. She gasps. "What now?" I ask a little irritated. "You need to get yourself a someone like my light." She says. As soon as she says his name she slips off into a dreamy looks like she's day dreaming as she sighs dramatically. "We should probably head back." I say changing the subject. "Good idea." She says smiling and standing up. I had already finished my ice scream but Misa walks to the trash and throws her banana slit that she literally only took about 6 bites out of. "Did you just-" she cut me off. "Sweets make you fat so I try not to eat a lot of them." She shrugs. I felt my eye twitch as I turn back to the trash and then back to her and jog to catch up with her.

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