Chapter Six- Running Away Part Two

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Chapter Six- Running Away Part Two

I saw him turn the steering wheel as quick as he could but it eventually hit a tree and the car was going in flames from the front. I opened the door and ran out as fast I could and made sure to grab Shawn's and my backpack. I looked around and noticed that Shawn was still in the car! I ran to the other side and the door wouldn't open. What was happening? Did John catch us?

I pull the handle helplessly, the car was burning all over now but thankfully the flames weren't touching him at all. He seemed so weak, but all of a sudden he broke open the door with his fist and he got out of the car.

"All you alright?" I said as I kneeled down close to him.

"Yeah I'm alright but we have to run. Some one's after us."

"Is it John?"


"I thought immortals could control fire? Why couldn't you just..." I was about to say more but he interrupted me.

"It's too much power."

I nod and I help him up even though he didn't need it. We ran through the woods and he had to slow down for me. I felt guilty; he was going to get killed for helping me. I tried running as fast as I could but my legs started to hurt, a lot. I could feel a burning sensation go through them. I wanted to stop and take a break so badly but I knew I couldn't.

I fell down a few times and my knees were all dirty and had blood slowly coming out of them. Shawn stopped and looked at me.

"I'm going to disinfect your wounds and put on a band-aid on and don't you dare say no again."

I opened my mouth to protest but he told me to be quiet. From his backpack he got out a first-aid kit. He cleansed the spots with a medicated cloth which stinged a lot when it touched the wound and then put on a band-aid.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"No problem."

We walked a little and then he looked back quickly and then picked me up bridal style and ran with incredible speed. I didn't like the way I was a burden on him, making more problems for him than there were already. It's my fault his life's in danger and to make it even worse I'm being a burden on him.

"Stop feeling guilty." He said without looking down at me.

"B-but I'm being a burden on you." I stuttered.

He looked down at me and sighed. "You're not a burden. I'm doing this for the Council."

I blushed after I understood what he meant. He meant that he wasn't doing this for me but for the Council. I don't know why but I felt sad. I felt that he should be doing this for me. Why? Why do I feel like this? I shouldn't think that.

We kept running for a long time and before I knew it we reached a small city. I jumped from his arms.

"He stopped following us." Shawn said. "We'll take a train to New York okay?"

"Of course, it's your choice. Not mine."

"Okay. The train station's not far away."

We walked a couple minute through the small city. There weren't a lot of people here and no one seemed to be in a rush. It wasn't loud as normal cities normally are and it was so peaceful.

"Katherine, come on lets go." He said as I stopped to stare at a cute little gift shop. The shop was small and it looked really cute and small. I wanted to go in there and buy stuff but I couldn't. We had no time.

"Sorry." I said I started walking again.

We kept walking and I bumped into him because he had stopped and I didn't know.


"Will you please stop saying sorry?" He said in a rude tone. He must have seen my expression because he apologized immediately and told me we were here and that he's going to go get tickets while I sit on the bench close to the train. I agreed to what he said and moved to the bench he appointed me to sit at.

I waited for him a couple of minutes but he didn't come. I started to feel uneasy and scared. What's taking him so long? Was it a long line maybe? It had to be. There shouldn't be anyone here.

"Katherine, I got the tickets." I turn my head sharply to my left and I saw him standing there with two tickets in his hand.

I wanted to run and hug him tightly because I was glad nothing happened to him but of course I wasn't going to do that. I just get up and follow him to another bench close to where our train was going to come. After a few minutes of sitting down they started boarding passengers.

We got a seat in the middle of the train and we were alone in the cabin at first but then a girl about 20 years old came and sat inside with us. In five minutes the train started moving.

"So are you guys running away?" The girl asked the two of us.


Are they going to get caught? What will they say? Read the next part to find out.


On The Run...Why Me? (Running Away with a Cute Guy)Where stories live. Discover now