Eighty one

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"Okay, mom is coming home today and I don't know how we're gonna do this, baby," Erin said to Archie as he followed her around the kitchen, crawling eagerly with a smile.

Erin looked at the messy kitchen, laundry piled high on most surfaces with dishes or shopping bags on the other surfaces. Upstairs was just as messy, as Erin hadn't been home unless it was to grab fresh clothes for herself or Archie. The house was practically trashed from Meredith and Derek running it alone for Erin while they were moving into the house that Derek built.

"She is gonna kick my ass," Erin whispered in horror. "How is she gonna get up the stairs? We don't have an elevator. Do I buy a stair lift? Do I carry her? Will that make her feel worse? Oh my god, what the fuck am I going to do?" Erin cried.

"What are you shouting about?" a voice came.

Erin stepped into the doorway, seeing Arizona in her wheelchair at the front door with Callie and Meredith behind her.

"She wanted to come home now," Callie said in a guilty voice. It was clear Arizona had used the you-cut-my-leg-off card to get Callie to agree.

Erin looked between Callie, Meredith and Arizona before looking down at Archie, who was now crawling eagerly to Arizona.

"Do you want the couch, the spare downstairs bedroom or do you want to go upstairs and I'll bring the minifridge up?" Erin said, voice void of emotion.

"Upstairs, please," Arizona frowned slightly.

"How do we do the stairs?" Meredith asked awkwardly.

"Someone has to help me up there," Arizona said.

"I will. Mer, get the mini fridge. Callie, Arizona's favourite snacks are in a bag on the side. I don't know which bag it is or which counter it's on. You can figure it out," Erin said. She looked down at Archie. "Archie, upstairs baby, to mommy and mama's room," she said.

"Mama," Archie smiled, moving to the stairs. Erin walked to Arizona and leaned down, kissing her softly.

"Hi," she whispered.

"Hi," Arizona whispered back. Erin pulled back and looked at Arizona.

"You tell me how you want me to do this," she said.

"Whatever way is easiest," Arizona said.

Erin looked at the stairs, seeing Meredith was shadowing Archie up the stairs with the minifridge in her arms. She looked back at Arizona.

"Piggy back?" she said.

"That'll work," Arizona said.

Erin got Arizona onto her back and started up the stairs, putting Arizona on the bed beside Archie. Callie came up and handed Meredith the bag of snacks and drinks for the fridge, putting the wheelchair and Arizona's crutches at the side of the bed for when she wanted to move.

"Maybe you guys should swap rooms with me and Derek," Meredith bit her lip.

"With the tumour on the wall?" Arizona frowned.

"With the bathroom attached to it," Meredith corrected her.

"The other bathroom is right opposite. I'm fine," Arizona said.

"Mer," Erin said quietly as Meredith opened her mouth.

"Sorry," Meredith said. Arizona managed a weak smile.

"We should get back to the hospital. Are you two okay here?" Callie said. Arizona didn't answer so Erin nodded.

"Yeah. We're okay," she said.

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