I Fell In Love With Santa Claus's Son?! WTF! Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I personally thank AceofSpeyds for giving me such a wonderful reminder! I really don’t mind if you want more chap or something but you have to know that if I hadn’t posted in over a week I believe, that most probably I’m slacking off again. So it’s fine if you give me reminders once in awhile if it’s over a week already, ok? Except for “Bishounen Girl and Player Boy” since I’ll be continuing that during my vacation if we aren’t going to move. Thanks again AceofSpeyds and that’s enough rambling for me.

On to the story:

I Fell In Love With Santa Claus’s Son?! WTF!


I was there right into his arms, entwining his lips with mine, on Santa’s sleigh at the light of a full beautiful moon with the stars looking down upon us on this vast night sky.

And I don’t why I didn’t resist.

I just don’t know why.


As my eyes are locked into his into his intense gaze, I felt my mouth moving into the rhythm of his lips. I was staring all this time and I believe I didn’t even blink once as I did. I felt his lips broke away from mine and my lungs were filled with cool refreshing air. I can’t believe it felt so good. The air, I mean. We always seem to disregard the fact that we are breathing so I’ve never thought of it this way before. My cooling moment was over as he gently pressed his lips with mine again. I felt his arms tighten around me and his other arm hold itself around my neck. I swayed again gently to the rhythm of his lips and the process continued on.

Until I realized what I was doing.

As I did, I felt his kiss deepen. His arms tighten even more. As if his emotions are flooding out of his heart, I felt the rhythm go faster and more aggressive. He pulled me in his arms entirely and I almost lost my consciousness again. He went faster and faster and I don’t know what to do anymore.

My mind is blank. As if all the other information I knew slipped away in the moment. As if my brain stopped functioning and my subconscious arose from the deep depths of the complex structure of the brain.

Is this how it really feels to be kissed? The first one was by total surprise and I didn’t think of anything anymore as the feelings of grief entered my heart. But this…this is totally different. It was as if was saved by a prince who was actually an evil enchanter who pulled me into his spell.

I was pulled back into reality as my lips slightly parted and I felt a warm trespasser enter my mouth. That got my consciousness back. My eyes widened and I instinctively struggled against this wonderful warmth around me. I tried to push and shake my whole body, but my head is still hazy from this…intense movement in my mouth.

It’s disgusting, yet addictive. Gross, yet surprisingly heavenly. I hate it, but in the same time I don’t want to let go. These feelings are so…strange…and annoying.

I felt a soft moan escape my lips barely as my mouth was blocked, but my body feels so weak. I have never felt so powerless before. I really do hate being overpowered.

He let go again and took a quick breath and slipped his tongue once again in my mouth. But now I’m in reality. I have a functioning brain. And I know what he is trying to say. As they say, ‘If you cannot say it by words, say it by actions.’


This bastard!

As he was about to penetrate my mouth again, I shoved him off.

“Stop!”  I screamed at him. I felt the air around me stilled and I felt the sleigh stop. I felt the whole world around me stop as I stared angrily at his no longer enchanting eyes. I felt intense burning anger inside of me and my hands are trembling with anger. He stared at me incredulously with the innocent look on his face. How many times have I seen that I don’t know, but it’s not gonna work for me again.

“Why did you do that?” I yelled in top of my lungs.

His mouth didn’t move and his eyes are still wide as ever. He didn’t make a move or even utter a word. His eyelids didn’t even blink. I got even angrier because of this.

“Do you think that I’m a freaking slut? Do you think that I was some random girl whom you found in the house, alone? Do you think that this will all change if you gave me some bargain or something? Do you? How could you even get as far enter my mouth with that freaking snake’s tail of yours?! How can you do that?!” I yelled.

I abruptly stood up due to my burst of anger. In the same time, I heard this shrill, sharp whistle that caught my attention and I stared at the north.

Before I knew it, I was falling.

I felt the air around me move once again at top speed and the sleigh wobbled due to loss of balance. I felt myself falling over. I felt myself reaching out to that star at the side of the moon.

Mother, help me.

I grabbed open air and everything went into slow motion. I felt myself going off and I watched the sleigh slowly go farther away. Or I going farther away.

As I fell into the dark succumbing darkness of the night and the ocean, I heard an echoing memory flutter inside my head.

Mom, how will you know if you love someone?”

“I can’t say for sure, but if you’re going to die and you remember that person then you love him or her. For me, I really love you and dad.”

As I fell in the midst of the darkness, I saw a hazy picture my family and the family downstairs. Surprisingly, I saw a very vivid picture of Sammy.

Then out of the darkness a very familiar voice called my name, “WONFORTHRY!”

Oh boy, I included a lot of twists here in this chapter but everything will make sense in the next chap. I estimate that there will be three more chapters if I prolong it.

And I have to say, I made up a very weird name.

So, what do you think? If you’re confused, please wait for the next chap and sorry to say that I might enjoy your agonizing wait. I’m sorry. I can be such a sadist sometimes.

Well, I’ll most probably post the next chap next week, so look out for it.

See ya!

X Hansel_ga117 X

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