Chap 8 - Who's that?

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The sound of birdsong was beginning to be heard as the first light of the sun came through the windows.

Tony woke up from the couch that he was finally so comfortable on that he had been there all night. He stretched his arms with a yawn and looked at the young woman in front of him in the pool he had built for her. She was at the bottom of the water sleeping peacefully, one hand under her face while her hair floated in the water. Everything was so quiet in the room at that moment and Tony began to think that moments like that are the life he would want to keep forever.

He slowly got up and sat down at his desk, where he gently asked Jarvis to turn on his computers, before starting to work.

A moment later, as if she knew the man she loved was now awake, Y/N woke up as well. She poked her head out of the water and looked ahead to find a Tony still in his tank top, his uncombed, wavy hair falling over his forehead, focused on his work.
This man made her heart beat so fast.
She took a deep breath of fresh air and smiled. She had never felt better.

"Already at work?" She asked "Oh good morning!" said Tony as he turned back to her

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"Already at work?" She asked "Oh good morning!" said Tony as he turned back to her. "As someone said, the future belongs to those who get up early." And as Y/N says "Tony Stark doesn't have to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and deserves to have a relaxing morning!"
"Come here" she added, waving her hands to signal Tony to come to her.
Tony smiled and approached his mermaid wondering with amusement what she had in store for him this time.

"You've taken such good care of me since we met, now it's my turn to take care of you. And I'm pretty good at massage!"

Tony was now standing with his back to her and she began to place her hands on his shoulders

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Tony was now standing with his back to her and she began to place her hands on his shoulders. They were tense, but as the mermaid's hands passed over them she felt Tony relax.

Tony closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. It had been a long time since he had been taken care of like this.

She then ran her hands over his neck and down his beautiful wavy brown hair. "Does that feel good?" The mermaid asked softly in his ear. Tony groaned in contentment in response, which made the mermaid happy.

"You should take time for yourself more.."
"I can't. Not with all that's expected of me"
"But you deserve it you know"
Tony chuckled softly.
"Hey.. A mermaid never lies I inform you"
"I didn't say anything!" Tony replied but Y/N knew him. "No need"
Tony turned to look at her and they laughed.

This good moment could still have lasted but...
"Ding dong" came the sound of the doorbell.
"Who's that?" The mermaid asked, looking at Tony.
"Jarvis we expecting someone?" He asked as he looked toward the ceiling. "I said I didn't want anyone to disturb us.. I have to protect Y/N from others.. I.."
"It's Doctor Banner sir. He was supposed to come here to work after you went the house..."

"Anybody home? Tony?" The man was now in the house. "I thought there was no one here but I just saw one pf your car outside.."

Quickly Tony took YN in his arms, she clung to him and he pulled her out of the water and put her on the couch. He grabbed a towel and tossed it to her so she could wipe the water that was still running down her body and hair as best she could, and Tony gave her a large towel to hide her tail.

 He grabbed a towel and tossed it to her so she could wipe the water that was still running down her body and hair as best she could, and Tony gave her a large towel to hide her tail

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No sooner had this been done than Tony's friend entered the room.
"Oh, there you are. Oh. Who is that?"
"Oh just.. an employee.." "A friend" the mermaid replied at the same time.
"An friend I employed" resumed Tony, "who I work with... on things..."
"Hi" Said the woman timidly with a wave of her hand.
"I see. And what is this?" he asked, pointing to the pool of water.
"An aquarium. What do you think it is?"
"An aquarium without fish?"
"I haven't bought the fish yet." Banner looked at him suspiciously

"Look, I don't know what you think, but it's not what you think"
"Oh, I don't believe anything," Bruce replied with a chuckle.

"I'm going to need the lab all night, you know."
"Oh yeah sure we were done anyway" Tony clarified as Bruce went to sit at one of the desks further in the lab.

When he wasn't looking at them anymore, Tony took the mermaid in his arms, and he walked out of the room.

Once in the hallway Tony stopped and the two burst out laughing.
"That was close.."

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