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Ben woke up early and looked at his phone for the time it was 6. He went into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator and frowned seeing it with little to nothing. When was the last time they went grocery shopping he thought to him self.

Ben walked back to his room and threw on sweat pants and a shirt. After he put his shoes on he grabbed his keys and started walking to the door. He stopped for a moment and looked into the crack of Miranda's door. He pushed it opened lightly and saw her sleeping peacefully.

Ben closed it back and walked to the front door opening it.

"Hey how you doing man?" A man next door asked as Ben closed the door.

"I’m doing good you?" Ben called back.

"Great." He replied.

He got into his car and put in the gps the direction to the closest store. When he arrived, he got out and got a basket to began shopping.

Dr. Warren is that you ?" A woman asked calling from behind him.

Ben groaned and slowly turned around he didn't know if this woman would be from his past or present and he didn't want to be rude by not remembering them.

"Robin." Ben smiled.

"Oh, my goodness it's so nice to see you." She smiled pulling him into a hug.

"It's great to see you too." Ben was honestly excited to see someone he knew. They were currently working together or... use to. He thought.

"You haven't changed at all it’s been what 10 years." She smiled rubbing her hand up his arm.

Ben nodded before speaking. "You're still an anesthesiologist?" He questioned.

"Yes my first love, but I recently started going back to school to become an oncologist." Robin stated.

"That's great. It was nice seeing you." Ben said finishing up their conversation.

"It really was. Take care." She smiled.

"Take care." Ben smiled back.

"Wait Ben. Would you like to maybe grab dinner tonight?" Robin asked hopeful.

"Yeah yeah. We can catch up." Ben replied.

"Okay what's your number so I can text you?" She asked.

Ben gave her his number and she text him back her name. After they both added each others number. They parted ways and Ben continued grocery shopping.

Miranda woke up and rolled over in her bed. She always hated sleeping in it alone. She went to the bathroom brushing her teeth and unwrapping her hair.

She slowly walked down the hall looking into the room where Ben was and noticed it was empty.

"Ben." Miranda called out walking to the living room and it was empty as well. She checked the kitchen calling his name again and got no answer.

Miranda began to panic walking to the window and saw his car was gone.
She groaned contemplating on calling him. She just wanted to make sure he was okay.

Ben put the address to the house in his gps and drove back home trying to get familiar with it.

He got out and grabbed a handful of bags walking to the front door. He took out his key and unlocked the door still balancing the bags.

"There you are." Miranda replied turning in his direction blowing out a breath.

Ben sat the bags on the floor and looked towards the couch. He saw Miranda sitting with a black nightgown on.

He walked over to get a better look at her. Magnificent he thought.

"I'm sorry, you were sleep." Ben stated looking her in the eyes and she nodded.
"I wanted to cook breakfast, but there was no food in here. So I cut my gps on and I went to the store. I didn't mean to worry you."

"It's okay and we normally would have been grocery shopping by now." Miranda replied running her fingers through her hair.

"I got a lot of different things because I didn't know what you liked. And I also just got the brands and tags I saw that was already in the refrigerator." Ben said sheepishly.

"Thank you. I will go back out if there is anything that we still need." She told him sweetly.
"Let me help you get the rest of the bags." Miranda said standing walking to the door, but Ben stopped her.

"Your going out there like this?" Ben questioned. He may not remember them or her but what he did remember was his male neighbor speaking to him this morning.

"Yes, what's wrong? It's just to the car and back." Miranda asked confused.

Ben looked her over once more. The nightgown was trimmed in lace across her breast and thighs and was fairly short.

"Here why don't you handle these bags and take them to the kitchen and I will get the rest out the car." Ben huffed.

Miranda almost wanted to laugh but refrained and just bent down and started picking up the bags. Ben's eyes widened as he quickly licked his lips then looked away walking out the door.

Miranda put the groceries up and turned to see Ben bringing the rest in the kitchen.
She was reaching to put a box on top of the cabinet on her tip toes when Ben came up behind her and grabbed it out of her hand.

"I got it." Ben told her softly and his breath tickled her neck causing her breath to hitched.

Miranda thought back to their usual selves. A small moment like this would have led to passionate kitchen sex.
Ben cleared his throat and stepped away from her.

"Are you still hungry? I can make you some waffles." Miranda suggested.

"My favorite." Ben smiled and nodded.

"You want just waffles or bacon, eggs and grits." Miranda questioned.

"Yes,  all of that sounds good." Ben licked his lips thinking about it.

"I thought so." Miranda chuckled.
Ben sat at the counter while Miranda pulled out the ingredients to make their breakfast and he watched her.

"How did we meet?" Ben finally asked

Miranda smiled turning the pan on low as she started frying the bacon.

"We met 9 years ago back when Grey Sloan was called Seattle Grace Mercy West. Our two hospitals had just merge and you were the anesthesiologist on my surgery."

"So, it was love at first sight?" Ben said slightly smirking.

"It was anything but that." Miranda replied laughing as his facial expression changed.

"Our patient woke up on the table and I fussed you out so bad, but I was very intrigued with you because you didn't care that I fussed you out. You stood up to me and then you wouldn't leave me alone trying to get me to apologize, but I wouldn't. I simply explained to you that I yell when something goes wrong or when I’m scared. "

"So, we had a mutual understanding." Ben said thoroughly listening to the story.

"Yep, Anyways so a few days later you asked me to dinner on valentines day. I told you no, but really I was just scared of the way you made me feel. I was married before, but I had never felt that way ever. So,  after we did a surgery together that day. I came back and told you I liked you and that we could go to dinner.

You smiled like an idiot and said "okay well how about tomorrow night? I responded That's fine, but I might have surgery and then what you said next I knew that I was already falling which was crazy. But you said That's fine I might join you."

"So, valentines day you told me you like me." Ben said thinking about it.

"Yes, which is why we celebrate Valentines day like an anniversary. " Miranda smiled putting the bacon on a plate.

"So how did I propose?" Ben asked next.

Miranda beamed smiling hard as she put the pot of water on.

"Hold on. I will show you." Miranda said walking out the kitchen and going into the living room. She grabbed a big black picture frame and brought it into the kitchen handing it to Ben.

Ben took the picture frame and glanced over it. A crossword in the New York Times.

"I love these. I do one once a week." Ben smiled.

"When we started dating, we would do them together. So, you got one made to propose." Miranda stated.

"That's romantic and a good idea. I must pat myself on the back." Ben chuckled. "How come it's not filled out all the way." Ben questioned.

"Because I messed up your proposal, and I wanted to keep it still half way filled out."

"What happened?"

"The hospital called and a patient had a stomach perf, intestinal obstruction and I believe it was an enlarge liver too. They didn't know what was causing it and I was the head general surgeon at the time. So, I got up and put clothes on much to your dismay. We came into work and found out it was gnathostoma worm in the man's body. You wanted me to still go to lunch, but I wanted to scrub in on the surgery with Derek to find where the worm was hiding.

You were so mad about missing the lunch and the crossword, but I didn't understand why. In my mind we could do the crossword another day, but you kept moping about it and making comments in the surgery until finally I got upset and said let's just do it."

"In the middle of the surgery?" He questioned.

"Yes." Miranda giggled before continuing. "I found your bag and started doing the crossword until I got to 21 Across. "My question to you." I couldn't figure it out. I knew that it was a phrase though. I asked everyone in the room what they thought it could be and Meredith asked me how many letters. I counted 13 and you told me 14 count again. I was already upset with you so I asked what do you have x ray vision from across the room?

Then you yelled at me Will you marry me? It's a phrase that has 14 letters will 4 you 7 marry 12 me 14.

I was so shocked and I felt horrible because you had been trying to propose to me all day and I was being difficult, but I did try to make it up to you." Miranda laughed.

"Well what did you do?" Ben asked intrigued.

"Mm that's a story for another time." She responded. Pouring the batter into the waffle iron.

"No I really want to know." Ben shot back sitting up some.

"Well I don't tell my business to strangers." Miranda retorted playfully.

Ben's mind was racing he definitely wanted to know how she made it up to him.

"You can tell me seeing as though we are more than strangers. 7 years of marriage right?" He laughed.

"Your funny. I will tell you this. It involved a black trench coat and tall black stiletto heels. That's all I'm saying."

"Mmm." Ben said as his eyes widened. He was picturing many different things.

Miranda put his plate of food in front of him before making her own plate. She got them both cranberry juice before she sat beside him.

Ben watched as she said her grace and began eating.

"Tell me about yourself." Ben requested.

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"For starters how old are you?" He asked

"I’m 39 turning 40 in two month."

"Tell me about your life, your dreams and goals." He asked next.

"Okay. My parents are William and Elena Bailey. I had a sister Danielle who died before I was born. I got married at 18 to the only man I had ever dated or been with. We stayed married for 12 years and had a baby. He was cheating and wanted me to choose him over my job so we divorced.  Then I met you. We dated, broke up, and got back together a year later. We moved in together and then we got married. Then You left to UCLA to become a surgeon.

I was a general surgeon attending. Then I became Chief of General surgery. My dream was to become Chief of surgery, which I have been in this position for 3 years now.

"Wow you have an eventful and accomplished life." Ben smiled.

"Thanks to you and you do too." Miranda chimed back.

“What do you mean thanks to me?”  Ben asked.

“I was going to quit , but you wouldn’t let me and gave me a huge pep talk.” Miranda smiled.

"Why did I all of a sudden leave to become a surgeon. I can't really imagine proposing and marrying you just to leave 1000 miles away."

"You said you applied to be a surgical  intern because you wanted to get out of Washington to do something different and inspiring after we broke up. But they never called you back until a year later the day you propose to me."

"Why did we break up. It had to be you not me." Ben said confidently.

"Why would it have been me?" Miranda countered.

"Because well look at you. You are a well established beautiful surgeon. I know I didn't just willingly walk away from you."

Miranda blushed. "Well your right it was me. There was a hospital shooting. The man killed so many innocent people and doctors. He shot my residents and friends. He held a gun to my face and almost killed me, but I lied and said I was a nurse.  So he spared me. I had a boy die in my arms and it hurt me that I couldn't save him. I was so messed up after that, so I broke up with you. I felt like you were perfect and I was not. You didn't want too but you gave me space and the time I needed." Miranda explained with sad eyes.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you." Ben said rubbing her hand.

"Thank you." Miranda said standing and grabbing their now empty plates. Ben stood and helped her clean the kitchen.

When they were finished Miranda handed him 4 crosswords "you missed these in the hospital." She told him.

"Thanks." Ben smiled.

"Hey when does... Tuck right? He paused and Miranda nodded.
"When does Tuck come home?"

"Oh I called him this morning and explained your condition and asked him to stay with Tucker a few more days. I didn't want to add to your stress. I’m sure it's hard enough staying with one stranger and then to have another one calling you dad. I didn't want you to get overwhelmed." She explained.

Ben nodded his head and him and Miranda went into their separate rooms.

Ben checked the time and saw that it was 5. He got up to start getting ready to meet Robin at 6:30. He took a shower and shaved. Before putting on his clothes. Once Ben was completely done he grabbed his keys. He pulled the door open and Miranda's door opened as well.

"Hey, I was just coming to ask you.. Miranda started. "Where are you going?" She asked softly taking in his appearance. He looked nice.

"Oh yeah I saw Robin she is an anesthesiologist who works with me at mercy west... or use to and we are going to dinner to catch up."

"Dinner... a date?" Miranda gasped and eyes immediately started watering.

"No not a date... oh shit she probably does thinks its a date." Ben said.

"I’m sorry. I just agreed so quickly without even thinking. It just felt good seeing someone that I actually knew." He added.

Miranda wiped her tear filled eyes quickly trying to stop them from falling.

"I can cancel." Ben responded quickly.

"No no." Miranda said shakily her voice breaking. "Go have fun with your friend." She breathed turning quickly to walk back to their bedroom.
"Miranda." Ben said softly, but she shut the door.

Ben felt horrible. He never stopped to think about how it would make her feel. He honestly didn't mean no harm. He was just excited to see someone he knew.

Ben blew out a deep breath opening the front door. This was the second time he has made his wife cry.

He got into his car and dialed Robin's number.

"Hey Ben." She said cheerily.

"Hey Robin, I'm sorry I just got called in. Can we reschedule."

"Yes yes it's fine. We can reschedule for another time. I hope you have a goodnight."

"I hope you have a goodnight too." Ben responded hanging up and then proceeded to delete the number.

Ben put in his gps, the address to his favorite bakery and drove their. He got out and went inside and ordered 6 cupcakes, red velvet,  snickerdoodle, and fudge brownie flavors.

He paid for them and waited a few minutes before they brought them out.

Ben drove to the ice cream shop and got a medium Oreo ice-cream bowl and her a vanilla ice-cream bowl to go with their cupcakes. When he pulled back into the driveway. He got out and went inside.

Ben took his coat off and hung it on the coat rack before walking down the hallway to her bedroom door.

He knocked softly before twisting the doorknob.

Miranda sat up quickly in the bed and looked over at Ben standing in the doorway. He had cupcake containers and ice cream from the place not to far from their house.

"Can I come in?" Ben asked gesturing the cupcakes and ice-cream towards her. Ben took in her appearance her eyes were slightly red and puffy and she now had on a pink pajama shirt and probably bottoms.

"Yes of course. Dinner ended early?" Miranda said moving her bang out her face.

"Dinner never started." Ben stated and Miranda looked up into his eyes. "I’m sorry Miranda. I didn't consider your feelings and that was wrong. I would never want to hurt you intentionally and unintentionally."

"It's okay Ben. I know that this is a lot on you and we are both trying to adjust." Miranda said softly.

"I know, but I will do better."

"Its only been two days. Go easy on yourself." She laughed.

"what are we watching?” Ben asked looking at the tv that was cut on low.

"Let's find a movie." Miranda cheered. She already knew exactly what she wanted to watch. Her husband previously would never let her rewatch movies without complaining that they had already seen it before a dozen times.
"Do you want to watch Guardians of the galaxy?" She asked stopping on it.

"I never seen it. What's it about?" Ben asked taking his shoes off and walking to his side of the bed he assumed.

"It says that it is about A group of intergalactic criminals must pull together to stop a fanatical warrior with plans to purge the universe. It's a marvel film." She read off.

Ben remembered earlier that she said she love sci fi movies. "Have you seen it already?" Ben questioned.

Miranda clicked her teeth. " I seen it once,  but I think I fell asleep." She lied

"Okay let's watch it." Ben responded getting comfortable under the covers.

Miranda pressed play on the movie and slid to the middle of the bed. Right beside Ben opening the cupcake container.

She took out a red velvet one and Ben grabbed a brownie.

Miranda bit into her cupcake and moaned. It was so good.

Ben eyes widened as he looked over. Her eyes was shut and she was chewing, but he loved the sound that just came from her.

"Why are you staring?" Miranda inquired opening her eyes.

"Uh nothing." Ben said turning his attention to the movie and grabbing his ice cream.

A little ways into the movie Miranda picked up Ben's spoon and ate some of his ice cream. He watched her intently as she ate it slow and he watched as her tongue quickly got the rest off.

"Oh shoot. I’m sorry Baby. I mean Ben, I'm sorry I ate off of your spoon." Miranda sheepishly said.

"It's okay. I’m not complaining." Ben said eating more of his ice cream.

About an hour into the movie they had finished the ice cream and moved the rest of the cupcakes to the nightstand. Miranda's arm was wrapped around Ben's waist, her head was laying on his chest and her leg thrown across his.

He looked down at her as she slept and was lightly snoring. She was really the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. He wished he could remember her and their love. Even though he couldn't , he knew that he couldn't imagine life without her.

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