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Ben woke up the next morning in the same position. Miranda's head was on his chest and her hand on his lower stomach.

He watched her for a few more moments playing with her soft brown hair.

Miranda mumbled incoherently waking up and Ben looked down at her.

"How long have you been up?" She asked into his chest.

"Not long maybe 8 or so minutes."

"Oh okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you physically and literally. You could have moved me off." Miranda yawed sliding to the side of him.

"You were sleeping peacefully and snoring. So I didn't want to move you. It seemed like it was a well needed sleep."

"I did sleep good and I don't snore." Miranda stated.

"You do and it's actually very cute."

"Whatever." Miranda said

"What's your plans for today " Ben asked sitting up.

"I  don’t have to work. I took off of work until I feel like your okay if I leave you alone."

"I'm not four." Ben chuckled.

"I know and I don't mean to treat you like a child. I just didn't know what state you'd be in, but hell you went out yesterday by yourself and got a date." Miranda stated then crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry about that truly." Ben said sincerely.

"It's only okay because you don't have any memory, but if you were you it would have ended a lot differently."

"You sound violent." Ben said raising and eyebrow.

"I'm am and very territorial. You belong to me. The fact that she was willing to go out with you with a wedding ring on your finger says a lot about her."  She answered

"Maybe she didn't se-" Ben started.

"Oh she saw it. We are women. We are trained to see and pickup on everything." Miranda retorted cutting him off.

Ben laughed. "You said I'm a firefighter. Can I see the station." Ben questioned.

"Of course. Let me call your boss and inform him of everything and let him know we are stopping by." Miranda said sliding out of bed.

Ben looked over Miranda several times. She had a long sleeve pajama top on that was pink, but she must have removed her pants last night. She was looking in her dresser drawer for clothes to put on for today and her delicious ass and thighs were on display.

Ben took in her purple lace underwear that barely contained her ass. He was looking at her milk chocolate skin through the lace and his eyes traveled up and he bit his lip. The panties crisscrossed going up her butt.

"Hey Ben so I was thinking we could stop and get breakfast then go. Is that cool?"

Ben eyes never left her bottom.

"You hear me Benjamin." Miranda said. When he didn't answer she turned to see what had his attention and she blushed.

"Oh my God Ben, why didn't you say something? I completely forgot. I got hot last night and took them off." Miranda said walking over to the side of the bed and grabbing her pants.

"I uh. Mm" Ben responded still out of it.

"You gave me that same reaction the first time you saw me in my panties." Miranda informed him giggling.

"Are you sure I don't give you that reaction every time. It's impressive. I mean I have never seen anything like it." Ben responded.

"You're so silly." She replied laughing hard.

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