chapter 7

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Peter's pov

I clutch my side to put as much pressure as I can on it. It hurts and my head it dizzy but I can do this. I dropped my phone after telling Mr.Irony about what was happening. I feel like I'm suffocating. I rip my mask off and and take deep breaths. "Fu-uck." I go to stand up as my mind floods with what's happening right now. Someone is coming to help me but I can't let them see me. I can't let people know my real identity. "Fuck!" I fall back.

I grab my mask and put it on. I stand again and lean onto the wall. I take a few steps and crumple to my knees. "This is gonna be harder than I thought. Even if I manage to get moving I can't go back to Aunt May's. Damn, I hope I can trust you random guy I texted."

• • •

Tony's pov

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, SHIT!" I panic and scrabble around. Should I grab the car? No! The suit is faster. I take off in the suit screaming at F.R.I.D.A.Y. to direct me to peter's location.

As I land in an ally I look around for peter. "C'mon, c'mon! Where are you kid?!" I turn and see a body slumped over on the ground.
"Kid is that you!" I rush to his side but as I step closer I notice who they are...

• • •

Peter's pov

I can hear people talking. Everything is so muffled. God, my head hurts! And my side. Ow, what happened. I open my eyes but I'm greeted with a bright light so I reflexively close them again. My headache surges and I groan, causing the voices to pause. Where am I? Am I at a hospital?

Of course I am that's the only logical explanation. Does that mean the public knows my identity now? I can't feel my suit but I expected that. I bet they had to cut it off of me, so I'll have to make another one. Wait is someone calling me? "-ete. Pete you awake?"

I slowly open my eyes to look at the voice. I blink a few times as I look at the man staring back at me. I furrow my brows and try to sit up. I hiss and fall back. "You shouldn't sit up yet." I look at him then I look around the room and see another man. "Okay. I'm confused because I have to be dreaming right now." Mr. Stark laughs beside me. "Nope you're not kid. Trust me I wish this was all a bad dream. Do you know how worried you made me?" I look at him. "Um n- no sir?" I could tell the expression on my face was one of confusion.

Tony tugs his phone out from his pocket. He opens it and taps on it a few times before he hands it to me. I take it hesitantly and look at it. The screen is pulled up to messages. I laugh. "No way. That-" I look up at Mr. Stark in disbelief. "Wait so, hold on give me a minute. I- you- we- um???" I turn away from him and blush. All the times of when I texted Mr.Irony, gushing about Mr. Stark, flooded into my head. I clear my throat and turn back to him. "Um nice to meet you Mr. Stark." I turn to face Mr. Banner. "Nice to meet you as well Mr. Banner." He waves gently and says hi back. God I can't handle this embarrassment.

I pause and look down. Does this mean the Avengers know I'm Spider-man? I clear my throat again and look at Mr. Stark. "Um. I'm sorry but may I ask when I can leave?" He chuckles. "You just woke up and you already want to leave?" I blush and sputter out, "n- no, no that's not it. It's just my aunt, she might be, uh, worried. S- so, uh." Mr. Stark cuts me off. "It's okay kid I was joking. I look down at my lap as the blush deepens. Mr. Banner speaks, "Actually I can answer this question. I noticed that you have unusually fast natural healing. So taking that into consideration it should only be a few days before you're up and moving again."

I nod. "Thank you. Uh, can I- can I have my phone? I had it with me."


A/N hey guys! I just wanted to ask

⚠️what did you think of this chapter?⚠️

It's just because the characters have met now I don't know how many texting scenes I will have. Also what did you think about the switching povs? Good? bad? Any feedback helps! Thank you guys!

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