chapter 2 Science project

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This chapter under went serious editing so I've added to it and tweaked a few things, enjoy

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Hi Mr.Irony
I wanna ask you something
There's another fair coming up
What should I make?
I wanna build something that will wow everyone

Wait didn't you just have one of those?
What kind of thing do you want to build?

Some type of gadget/robot thing
It'll be great
And yeah it's happening in like 4 months so I have plenty of time to build ;)

How about a robotic pet

Yeah that's a great idea!
Thank you Mr.Irony!

No problem kid, good luck on it

It'll be easy :)
But I might not have all the parts for it :(

I'm sorry to hear but I bet you'll do great

Thanks ;)

No problem kid

I'm not a kid :'(

Yes you are.

Old man


You make no sense Mr.Irony
But at least you're fun to talk to

And you are a weird kid,

• • •

Peter's pov
Im sitting on my living room couch smiling like an idiot. Even tho Mr.Irony and I were "fighting" I loved it. It was fun to just talk and not have to worry about anything.

He was fun to talk to and he didn't judge me. Normally when I talk to people they just degrade me.

People always talk to me as if I'm just some kid that doesn't know what they're doing. Especially in the science aspect of that.

I'm much smarter than most people assume. I'm of course no Tony Stark though. He is amazing and brilliant. I on the other hand am mediocre.

I sigh. It's 11:00 and I need to do my homework. I grumble a little but pick up my phone again


Goodnight Mr.Irony!
I have to go do my homework now sorry :'(
I enjoy texting you tho!
If you ever wanna text I'm always up lol

Goodnight Peter, good luck on your homework.



I finish all of my homework by 12. Now time for patrol. I sigh and get up.

Lucky for me tonight was quiet and didn't have much activity. There were no crimes except for the few small ones like graffiti artists.

I decide to call it a night at three in the morning. I tiredly swing home and back into my small apartment's bedroom.

The apartment is small. It has two bedrooms, a half kitchen, a bathroom, and an open space. None of it is very great but I live here with my aunt and it's enough for us.

Aunt may works many hours just so I am able to have a roof over my head and clothes on my back. Even with how hard she works, it's barely enough to survive on. Most of what she makes goes to rent. Even if we have to cut back on everything else, if we don't have a place to live then the rest won't really matter.

As I'm slipping in through the window I try to be as silent as possible. Aunt May usually gets home at about two or so unless she decides to work overtime.

I toss off the suit and slip into bed. It feels like a fluffy cloud on my tense muscles. I smile in complete bliss before drifting off into a restful sleep.


The next morning a wake to my alarm. I shut it off and start my morning routine. I get up and get dressed. I grab an apple for breakfast and brush my teeth. I pack my school bag and finally I can head out the door to catch the bus.

As I fling my bag onto my shoulder I call out to the waking May as I head out the door, "have a nice day! I'll see after school!" I close the door behind me and head down the steps.

I feel like today is going to be a good day.


This is bad.

• • •

Boom cliff hanger! Thanks for reading! I'll update soon

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