Chapter One

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                It was a cold, crisp day in the middle of October. At this point, the school year was in full swing. Kayla pulled her car into the school’s half full parking lot. She turned off her ignition and stepped out of her car, adjusting her over-sized sweater that matched her brown fringe boots perfectly. She swept her long brown hair over one side of her shoulder and slung her purse over the other. Yet another day at school, she thought, just another day of doing the same old thing. Kayla reluctantly trudged through the front doors of the school building. 

                “At least it’s my senior year,” Kayla thought aloud to herself. She found her locker and retrieved her English binder. Kayla could at least be happy that her favorite subject was the first of the day. The bell rang and she slowly made her way to the classroom. Kayla took her familiar seat in the center back and waited for class to begin.  The rest of the class filed in and the morning announcements began to play. As the voices left the loud speaker, the class room went unusually quiet. Kayla lifted her gaze from her hands to see what everyone was gawking at. In the door way stood an incredibly handsome boy with a mop of chocolate curls and huge green eyes.

                “Oh yes, class, this is Harry. He’s new here; he’ll be joining us for his senior year. I’d suspect I don’t have to give the ‘Welcome him with open arms’ speech so, Harry, I’ll let you take a seat. There’s one open in the back, next to Kayla. Kayla, please wave?” the teacher announced to the class. Kayla slowly raised her hand; her cheeks blushed a light shade of pink. Harry’s eyes locked with hers as he walked back to the seat. Every girl in the room let their gaze follow Harry as he walked and then quickly snapped their heads forward when they realized they could be caught. Harry sat down at the desk and shifted uncomfortably. Kayla’s gaze quickly returned to her hands as the teacher began the lesson. Kayla shifted her eyes to her right, hoping to inconspicuously steal a glance at Harry, only to realize Harry was staring at her. She snapped her eyes back to her hands and listened to the lecture. She could still feel Harry’s gaze on her for the whole class and when there was only five minutes left, the teacher ended early and allowed everyone to talk quietly. 

                Harry turned his whole body to face Kayla. He leaned forward, then, so his face was only a foot away from hers. 

                “Hi,” he whispered only loud enough for Kayla to hear. Of course he had a British accent, Kayla thought to herself before answering.

                “Hello,” was all she could manage to reply with, she choked a little bit on the word. Harry shifted nervously again before leaning backwards to sit up straight. The bell rang, signaling the end of the class, and Kayla grabbed her binder and purse as fast as she could. There was something strange about Harry that made her want to ask him every question until she found out every secret he could be hiding & run far, far away at the same time. In this instant, Kayla chose the latter. 

                She bound down the hall ways until she arrived at her locker. She looked around; all she could see were the familiar faces of the bland people that attended her school. She tossed her English binder back into her locker and grabbed her history book. She stole one more glance around the area before she fixed her gaze on the floor and briskly walked to history.

                Kayla managed to make it through the rest of her day without spotting Harry. Harry scared Kayla in a way. The urge to talk to Harry was so significant that she didn’t know what to do. She didn’t know what to say to him, and most of all she did not want to embarrass herself; that was her biggest fear. She retrieved her keys from her purse and walked slowly down to her car. Kayla unlocked her door and sat in her driver’s seat for a moment checking her text messages before a loud knock on her window scared her out of her post school daze. She looked at the window with a frantic expression on her face before rolling it down to find out what the commotion was about. 

                “You ran out on me before I could finish what I was saying,” the green eyed boy gazed down at her, turning on his charm.

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