Chapter Fourteen

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Kayla’s eyes dragged open as her hazy vision attempted to clear. She looked around the room, completely disoriented, trying to figure out what had happened. She registered that she was in the hospital, and became more careful with her actions as to not tear out any of the tubes or wires attached to her. As she came into consciousness, she noticed Harry clutching one of her hands, fast asleep with his head on the bed.

Unable to completely control her body yet, she tried to shake her hand violently, in order to wake him up. Harry twitched and slowly began to open his eyes. Realizing he was waking up in a hospital for the second time that day, he looked straight to Kayla, who was struggling to keep her head up and her eyes open.

Harry shot up out of his seat by her bed side and ran to the door, calling for a nurse. A new nurse walked in and Dr. Martin returned.

 “Ah, she’s finally woken up,” Dr. Martin began, “well the machines are saying she is doing just fine. She’ll be a little out of it until she fully comes down from the anesthesia. We’re going to begin putting low dosages of morphine in her I.V. though to help with the pain she’s going to be experiencing. I’d say we’ll probably keep her again tonight and then see how she’s feeling.”

“And then she can come home?” Harry asked.

“If she’s feeling up to it and she remains stable. When we release her, I’m going to write her prescriptions for the pain and to help her reproductive system stabilize. You’ll be in charge of helping her take them,” Dr. Martin explained further.

“That’s fine. I’ll do anything I need to do to help her get better,” Harry said as he reached back down to the bed and gave Kayla’s hand a light squeeze.

“Alright, well, uh,” The doctor was stumbling over his words, “I’ll just, uh, leave you two to it then.” He and the nurse dismissed themselves from the room, closing the door softly.

Once they were gone, Harry sat back down in his chair beside the bed, and grabbed Kayla’s soft, small hands again. “Hi, baby,” He whispered to her, “How’re you feeling?”

“It’s gone, isn’t it?” Kayla responded, bringing the hand Harry wasn’t holding to her stomach. Harry couldn’t respond, he could only hang his head, but Kayla knew the answer. She had lost the one thing that physically connected her to Harry, the physical representation of their love. She had let him down, she had let herself down. She wasn’t fit to be a mother, she wasn’t fit for Harry’s love; she had convinced herself of this. He had loved this unborn child and she had lost it, she convinced herself she had failed him entirely. With all of these thoughts swimming around her head, Kayla began to cry. She began to sob violently, yanking her hand from Harry’s grasp to cover her face.

The sudden movement had startled Harry. He looked up and tried to gently remove Kayla’s hands. “Hey now, shhh,” He tried to sooth her as best he could, “why are you crying, baby? Shhh, calm down.”

“I’m not going to calm down!” Kayla practically yelled back, letting out little sobs in between words. “I’m absolute shit! I’m completely unfit to be with you! You don’t have to pretend like everything’s okay!” Kayla had buried her face in her tube and wire covered arms.

“What!?” Harry was shocked at the way she was talking about herself. “What are you talking about, baby? You are perfectly fit to be with me! It’s me that’s not fit to be with you! Don’t ever talk about yourself like that again!” Harry was enraged at this point. He was horrified at the way she spoke about herself.  He took a deep breath, calming himself down, then continued on, “Kayla,” he whispered while forcing her arms away from her face, “Kayla, listen to me.” Kayla directed her gaze towards him. “You are perfect. You are everything I could have asked for. You did not fail me. So, our child miscarriage, am I upset? Yes, but not with you. I’m sad that I’ll never get to meet it, to know its gender, to pick out its name. But we have all of our lives to make children. Honestly, this might even be a blessing in disguise. Your body will have time to develop and be able to maintain a child and we can do the things we’ve always wanted to do. You can go to college now, we can travel, we can be spontaneous. I never again want to hear you say you’re unfit for anything. I still love you and I hope to God you still love me and right now, that’s all that matters. Okay?” Harry’s emotions were pouring out of him and he was almost gasping for air at how much of himself he was exerting.

Kayla was still sobbing, but now, more so, because of the speech Harry had given her. She couldn’t think straight, she was only replaying his words over and over again in her mind. The only response she could think of was to nod her head and squeeze her hands around his. Kayla looked Harry dead in the eyes, “I love you too, more than I could ever place into words.” Harry raised slightly out of the chair by the bed and kissed Kayla as hard and passionately as he could. 

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