Abe's Bunker (The Peculiars)

111 7 1


1. A Map of Days

2. The Conference of the Birds

Warning(s): N/A

Credits to blackandwhitewater for the theory that inspired this one-shot!

This one-shot takes place after H's death, but before finding V.

We were all gathered in front of a specific patch of wooden floorboard in Abe's house. By 'all' I mean Noor, Emma, Enoch, Millard, and me. H had, in his last, dying breath, instructed us to look for a Hollow Hunter only known as 'V'.

'There must be something useful down there.' Emma said, a hopeful edge to her voice. We were all trying to find a lead to V's current location, or in the least, a living Hollow Hunter that'd lead us to her. I knew the chances were slim, given that H had referred to V as 'the last of us', but Noor and I didn't want to disappoint the others. There must be even a minuscule chance that at least one of them, other than V, remained.

I knelt, feeling the hard, wood planks that covered the floor to try to find the loose floorboard that would lead us to Abe's secret bunker. Once I found it, I wedged my fingers through the crack, trying to pull it away. It didn't work, though. I needed a little more momentum.

I looked up at my friends, who were waiting in anticipation.

'Do any of you have something that'll help me pry this apart?' I asked, remembering to keep an eye on the floorboard, so that I wouldn't lose track of it.

My friends scurried to look for something, and Noor came up with a letter opener. I nodded my thanks before wedging its edge into the crack, and pushing down on it hard. With some difficulty, the floorboard came away.

I shifted it into a corner, then beckoned my friends forth.

'We'll need a source of light; it's dark down there.' Millard observed, looking at Emma.

She offered to go first, lighting her hand with spectacularly orange flames. I moved aside to let her in, and, one by one, we descended into the damp darkness.


I found the numbered-and-lettered keypad right where it was last time. We'd been through so much since then that I'd come to doubt the fact that we'd been here just a mere few weeks ago. I quickly punched in the password; 'Tygrysku', which meant 'little tiger' in Polish. It was what Abe had called me when I was younger, and when he was still alive.

The door clicked open to reveal a ladder once more descending into darkness. I let Emma go first, so that she could light the way, then climbed in afterward. The rungs echoed with a barely audible metallic ringing as I dropped down.

After we'd reached the tunnel, we all clambered through it, hunched to fit through, the subtle scent of mildew evident.

We 'walked' in silence, until I remembered that Noor hadn't been here before.

I filled her in on how we'd stumbled upon Abe's secret bunker when we'd been here a while ago as we crawled. She listened silently; her barely visible nods the only indication that she could understand.

Similar to the last time I'd been here, the tunnel ended at a heavy-looking door. It was hanging slightly ajar, again, just like we'd left it.

We took turns to walk in, closed the door- leaving it slightly ajar behind us- then flicked a switch to obliterate the dark interior of the bunker. Once the fluorescent lights flickered to life, we looked hither and thither, trying to find a lead to build upon.

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