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Leaves rustling could be heard.A blue blur passed through the woods followed by black and grey blurrs.Kei was panting while running away from his pursuers.

"How are they so fast!"

"You can't run from us forever" a muffled voice came from one of the ones chasing him,they were all wearing masks with red crossed lines because of that their voices sounded like a mechanical machine whispering.

He glanced at them and stopped on branch, he threw six stars at them,the masked man who was in the lead stopped,his watched glowed red just as the stars hit them

Kei stood there waiting for the smoke to clear.When it finally cleared a red pentagon shaped shield was what he saw.

"Hmph" he heard a man who was controlling the shield say. Two cloaked man jumped behind the shield and threw sharp teeth like kunai's at him. Kei jumped and managed to avoid them and leapt to a higher tree,two more men jumped on the same level of height as he was and also threw the same sharp kunai's at him.Kei quickly jumped backwards,unfortunately one of the blades grazed his left leg and he winced in pain.By now all of his pursuers were on the same level as him.

"Give up?" The leader said.

Kei stayed silent holding his leg.There was complete silence except for the crickets and some rustling of leaves.

They just stared at eachother quietly none if them saying a word or breathing.

Kei stood up and the group following him advanced preparing if he attacks.Kei put his hands behind his back and *poof* he vanished and reappeared twenty feet ahead of them running away he glanced back at them with a hidded smirk behind his mask.The group didn't seem surprised by this and just calmly went after him




A laser flew passed kei and hit a tree making small chunks of it fall.He turned his head sideways and saw them firing laser guns at him and two were using snipers. Kei moved left and right in order to not get hit,he saw a huge tree ahead of him covered in plenty of leaves that its trunks couldn't be seen. "Perfect" he thought as he glanced them then jumped high and inside the leaves. The group stopped firing and jumped after him. The leaves were so thick its making them hard to move and there were some thorns and sharp branches that slashed their shoulders. Once they got out of the of the tree at last they stopped for a millisecond to catch their breath before continuing forward.They kept on moving for three seconds before realizing that the person they were following were gone.

They stopped and looked around then to each other
"You don't think-" One of them said.They glanced back the huge tree they came from "Quick!" Their leader yelled and hopped back towards it.


They stopped and looked down at the branches they were standing, they saw kunais sticked to each side of the branches they looked at each other before they could react it exploded into smoke and they all fell on the ground,it was a downhill road so they rolled down to the bottom but some were fast enough and managed to land still standing.They groaned looking up.In a blink of an eye Kei launched at them with great speed and kicked one them in the face,one person and back jumped at him,kei ducked and kicked his back making the person fall over on one of his teammate. The others jumped back and took out their weapons. Some of them had glowing red daggers and one with a chain with a chain scythe.

They surrounded kei and jumped at him,kei jumped,dodged and kicked their attacks he got hold of one of their hand and plunged the dagger on his right leg. He screamed and kei kicked him.He was about to continue when a he felt something cold wrapped him tight,he glanced back and saw the one holding the chain that wrapped him.

"Tsk,I forgot about him!"
He thought angrily,one of the men ran towards of him about to stab the dagger into him.Luckily kei managed to teleport out of the chain despite its really tight hold,he's sure he'll see marks of it. The guy missed and stumbled towards the ground.

Kei appeared behind the chain holding enemy and kicked him. He was about to run when "ahh!" Kei's body skidded to the dirt he turned his head and saw one of them has shot a laser on him.

"Nice shot!" His companion complemented him patting him on the back.Kei wasn'r sure because of their masks but he assumed they were all boys.

Kei with all his strength,flipped back up and threw three exploding kunai at them as soon at it exploded kei sprinted off as fast as he could.The masks they are wearing has night vision and thermal heat vision features.They saw him teleport away.

"Come one let's keep moving" one of them yelled.
The leader extended his hand signaling stop "no,we're out powered and weakened" he gestured at two their unconscious teammates. "Besides we managed to hit him and I think I know where he's going" their leader spoke through his mask.

"So we just surrender?"

He shook his head "retreat" he said and pressed his watch,he teleported in a red flash. His teammates looked at each other before also following their leader.

Kei wasn't far from where he came,he panted holding his bleeding shoulder.Great now he has gashed leg and a bleeding shoulder.He keeps panting "There's only one place I can go now" He thought  as he breathed a huge sigh before speeding out of the forest.

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