Unexpected visit

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"Who wants popcorn!"
Liu yelled as he walked in the lounge room carrying two huge bowls of popcorn.The runningman was having a movie night at daylight since today day had no games to play and was having a relaxing day off,all their friends were here the DV 7s,Sola and even the leo valiants for a one day visit except kali and valter since they were busy with watching Manus.

Liu set the bowls on the circular table and Lonky immediately devoured and took one bowl. The runningman were all doing their separate things kuga was training on the back,lonky popo pala and rose were eating the popcorn Liu and his sister were working on their machines,the dv 7 were playing cards and miyo and rema were reading books and drinking hot cocoa's and chatting about stuff.

Rema was telling paru about how she and the other DV 7s got captured by Charming Gold "So there we were surrounded by charming gold's robots,we were about to attack when gas balls suddenly popped up and cornered us into a circle and exploded,after that...nothing"

"Whoaa" paru was lying on her stomach arms on her cheeks as she listened.

"That sounds like a boring way to get captured" Lefnardo said from behind them. Rema nodded "Yeah...but that's how it happened"

"Very cliche if you ask me" alto commented rema glared at him "well if I recalled correctly you didn't do much either" she retorted.

"Y-yes and that's because a prince needs to stay behind and be protected at all~ cost..hehe rigth" he lamely excused and looked at friends for help.

"No its not" Lonky and Lefnardo said together both shaking their heads. Alto just nervously laughed,Shan suddenly spoke up "Hey, rema"

"Hm?" Rema turned to her
"I was just wondering...did you manage to find out more about that mysterious masked ninja you spoke off?" Shan asked curiously dropping her tools. "You mean Kei?" Miyo asked for confirmation. Shan nodded.

"Well" rema began "I managed to found very little about him,what I only know is he was an agent-"

"An agent?you mean from metronome where you and miyo worked for ?" Lonky asked,rema shrugged "I'm...not sure,metronome is the top organization for peace and prosperity but its not the only one"

"You mean there are other organizations?" Liu asked surprised,he thought that this metronome was the only one.

Miyo and rema nodded before rema continued
"and I've checked  the data's of all  metronome agents and didn't find his name on any file.Of course it could be in the shadow zones"

"The shadow zones or Alpha Zs are metronome's list of special agents that no one except the heads or high ranking agents can view" Miyo explained before anyone started asking. Rema nodded then continued "Right,I've asked some of the highest ranked agents if I could access it for short time but as expected they declined,when I just asked if they know anyone named Ninja Kei they just said "You are not authorized to know" and sent me back" she finished.

The others blinked and looked down in sadly they thought they would atleast find out any useful things about him.

"Oh well,but is he from the nyanya tribe?" Makhan asked. Miyo and rema shared a glance "Well we don't think he is because he didn't emit a nyan's aura" said miyo

"What do you mean by aura?"paru asked.

"Our tribe, releases auras signaling that another nyanya is close by,we can also use this to tell if a person is truly from our tribe or not and we didn't get any from kei so we are sure he is from another tribe" miyo explained to paru and the rest.

"Ok,but where?" Kuga said hand on his chin. They all shrugged.

"Well....there's nothing we can do about it..I mean he is dead now..so" Lonky trailed off when everyone gave him a heavy glare "erm I mean..h-he-" Lonky tried rephrasing his sentence when miyo cut him off  "we know what you mean.." silence filled the room and lonky felt guilty for what he said...maybe it was better if he hadn't said anything.

Outside of tree city

Kei arrived in front of the gate,he panted a little and looked around,seeing the coast is clear he gently took off his helmet feeling the breeze hit his face his hair flowing by the wind. His eyes were a little red probably because of lack of sleep from last night he kept on waking up afraid that they found him and it didn't help that he slept inside a bush to cover himself.He was able to cover up his wounds with leaves,the cut on his leg wasn't to deep but still stings whenever he moves. He closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of the fresh air before putting back on his helmet. He has no time to waste.Tree city could bein danger again at any moment.

He used the underground tunnel (the same way rema used when the runningman returned from old city) since he had no keycard. He looked around many pululus where walking around and chasing each other he let himself a little smile inside his helmet before running naruto style to the direction of the runningman dormitory. Many pululus stopped and looked at him but he didn't bother to mind them and continued running increasing his speed.

At the Runningman Dormitory

The others where now back to doing their business and changed topic. They were all talking except for miyo she has been quiet since the conversation ended,she didn't tell the others not even rema that she tried to sneak in  to Metronome HQ to open the Alpha Z list but failed because of very very tight security so she just retreated. She didn't know why but something in the back of her mind just told her to do it like there was some puzzle she needed to solve.There was something about that kei that she can't put a finger on it.

She snapped out of thoughts when she heard ringing and so did the others,they muted the tv and listened *ding-dong* there was it again and it was ringing rapidly.

"Someone should get that" Popo said unmuting the tv and continued watching.

Liu nodded "Yes lets go together" The others nodded except popo. Lonky grabbed the back of his jacket and dragged him ignoring popo's protests.

They went to the main door of the building and as they got closer the ringing died down a little as if the person heard their footsteps. Kuga pressed the open button and the door slided up revealing...

"KEI!?" They screamed shocked. Kei just nodded calmly and spoke "runningman" in his muffled voice.

"H-how are you alive?" Popo said his face and eyes wide
fearing that his a ghost or something

"Why are you here?"
"Why are you alive?"Lonky asked,they stopped and turned to him "I- I meant-" Kei interrupted him
"That is not important...can I come in?" He asked in a monotone.The others stayed quiet and liu only nodded still shocked to speak.

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