002 | teruhashi

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chapter two : teruhashi !

"are... are you glowing?"

was this a regular sight to everyone else?

it seemed so as the limited number of café visitors didn't seem to bat an extra eye towards this blue-haired girl's halo. well, unless one counted the boys who would stare at her with hearts in their eyes.

the intruder of y/n's peace stood beside their table with a shy smile and that's all the girl did for a solid 2 minutes. the coffee jelly on y/n's untouched spoon had fallen back into the plate with a 'splat'.

if it weren't for the innocent smile on the blue-haired girl's face, they would've sent her orbiting in outer space... literally.

"you enjoying the view?" y/n smiled tightly. "i mean if you're going to stare at me, you might as well take a seat-"

"i'm kokomi teruhashi," teruhashi took a seat opposite l/n before the confused student could finish their sentence. "you're new here, aren't you?"

"uhhh, yeah?" y/n answered, using the spoon in their hand to wobble the half eaten coffee jelly in front of them. "today was my first day-"

"oh cool, so what were you and saiki talking about at school today?"

'oh nothing, he just threatened me' — this was something y/n would not tell her.

y/n rose a brow at her classmate, a small smirk threatening to grace their features. teruhashi's smile still remained, even when y/n pried into her mind.

it only took a second to realise why teruhashi wanted to know so badly.

they let the smirk appear on their face, no longer hiding the amusement in their system. y/n leaned back in their seat and crossed their arms. suddenly, teruhashi felt nervous.

"saiki?" y/n asked coyly. "hmm... that's the pink haired guy, right?"

before teruhashi could agree, y/n continued. "he was actually telling me all about you," they smiled. "saiki said you're a really nice girl and i should get to know you."

instant regret. the light surrounding the girl seemed to get brighter and her smile matched this. kokomi perked up. "did he really say this?"

'no, but it'll piss off saiki and that's all i want in life.'

"yes!" y/n said cheerfully. "he told me to not tell you though. i think he's kind of shy when it comes to you, it's adorable!"

y/n wanted to laugh, the blue-haired girl was practically bouncing in her seat. they didn't feel guilty... yet.

"don't mess up the calm i've worked so hard to create," saiki threatened, "because you will regret it."

saiki's words intruded y/n's head forcefully, the memory being forcefully replayed in their mind. she hid a frown as she spotted kusuo peek over the booth from where he sat, a middle finger poking up beside him.

teruhashi quickly got up and kissed y/n's cheek in thanks for their 'helpful' information. then, she exited as if saiki wasn't right there.

y/n rolled their eyes and communicated with him telepathically. "did you hide yourself, you coward?"

"you're a pain in the ass."

saiki was brutally honest. y/n liked that.

"why, thank you," they replied without hesitation. "why don't you come sit with me so we can actually talk to each other?"




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