A Twins

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"L, I'll see you tomorrow! Take care, Bae!"

She waves her hands at her friends, Jisoo unnie as she existed the Seoul National University and made her ways to the nearest bus stop station. She take a long paths to go there while humming her favourite song, At My Worst with her sweet voice.

On her ways, she took out her Vivo9 phone and tried to call her twin sister. How worried she are when her's sister didn't pick up her call again since last weeks.

"Did something happen to her? Should I go to check her?"

As soon as the bus arrived, she walked in and quickly make her way to the empty seat. After looking around her for a while, she slowly take a nap but not long before her's phone ringing.

"Unnie ah! Where are you? You know how worried I am!" she said as soon as she picked the call.

"I'm sorry but I have works"

"Unnie, are you okay? Why you voice sounds weird?"

"Can you help me, L?"


She tried not to be so selfish but how ..? How can she willing to reject it when her sister asks for help?

She feel so emotional right now. No one should touch her or her fist gonna flying to their face. Seriously. She in her bad mood!

"Thank you, L"

That's the only words her sister said before leaving her alone. She can't sit still. She keeps on wandering in those room from the sudden shocking favour from her sister. Sometimes she regret how can she agree without thinking further.

"Ahhhh! Why would I say yes with this stupid marriage plan?! I can't believe this!" Lisa throws her body on the couch while thinking back how stupid she is. She still young, how can she will be married so fast.

"Lisa ah, how about this dress? Do you want to try this one first and decide later which one suit you better?" Her's soon mother in law asks while pointing that dress to her.

Lisa really feel nervous. Not because she not so good in words but she scared her attitude gonna make them embarrassed since they not really known each other. How she hope her parents gonna cancel the wedding, since her unnie reject it. But instead cancel they pushed her to be substitute to her sister place.

"That dress looks so beautiful on you sexy body, Lisa!" now it's turn her's soon sister in law said happily while claps her hands to get Lisa attention. Yeah, she spacing out a lot. She curious if her's future family realized that's she not the chosen bride but her's sister. 

"How can she know my body when I wears a big t-shirt?"

If only she could say something about that whole wedding dress, she want to choose to wears a top crop with a jeans, or a bigger hoodie with short pants. It would be comfortable rather than wears something like that. Eww~

"Hm. I wonders how much the price for a pieces dress like this? It's really wasting when I have to wears only once in my life"

"Tried it, Lisa" her's soon mother in law keeps pushed her but she still hesitated to try it or not. She never reveal her body to the public!

"But, I think this dress is so expensive" she make sure she reject it with the polite ways without showing her bored face. While inside she screams a lot!

But the old woman was quick to shakes her head "this is for you, young girl. Don't worry about the price. You future husband gonna paid all of them. This is the time for you to spend you future husband's money really well. Make he bankrupt since his money is your money, dear"

"Only if I am a gold digger, I gonna spend all of his money from this dress until to my underwear and bra too"

Not to wasting their time, she finally choose the most cheap dress. And of course the most safety dress, not have a big cutting in front her back or both side. A disappointed reaction comes out from both of her future husband family but they respect her choice. After all she the one whose wears it and will walks on the altar.

"This is more like my style. Comfy, simple and clean"


"Ma, Pa, you know I want the best for myself. I have a boyfriend while she not. Why don't forced her to be the daughter in law to that's family. I'm sure she will obey without argue. After all she deserve to sacrificed herself"

Lisa feel betrayed and even went on hunger state at that moments when she found out that her parents agree with her twin sister to make her as substitute coz she don't have a boyfriend. They really getting serious about the whole marriage plan. Her legs feel weaker when her mom not ever care about her feeling instead pushed her to be scapegoat for save their company. It's really breaks her heart upon her know her's twin sister is the one give an idea to their parents.

She always respect her twin. She never said "no" but obeys all her's words like a maid. All because she love her! But she never thought her's own parents and her's twin sister gonna sold her as a main course for the sake of the stupid company!

She runs away from there. Not ever want to hears what's the next thing they gonna to said. She really hate it when people make she look like a dumbest while she sincerely love them.

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhh!! I hate youuuuu!!" she screaming a lot until her throat feel dry. She don't care if people looking at her weird. Let them think about it, it's not her problem, she have a huge problem too!

"Hmm.. I know people always throw their tantrums on the beach whenever their have heartbroken. But boy, I'm here you know? Landing perfectly before you step on my fingers and screaming on my ears? Do you know how much you have to paid for hurting my precious finger?"

When she looks at her side, Lisa shocked when see the guy now waking up then sits on the sand while rubbing his fingers "Ahhhh! Why you do that? You startled me!"

"Stop screaming boys! You sound like a girl! Aish. People gonna mistakenly like I gonna rape a gay"

"Wh- what?! Yahhhh!"

"Aish! Seriously this boy?!"

That's night, not only the stupid wedding plan she had to think but the new guy she encounter too. Maybe their acquaintance at first wasn’t as sweet as honey but it would change drastically in her life.

our story starts from here


Whose you think fits to be her future husband and her future boyfriend? 🤔


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