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"How was you date? Everything's good?" that the first question comes out from him.

"Mmh. Sure. It went well. He treat me a delicious ice coffee [on my head]" she laughs awkwardly try to hide her embarrassment when she remember of the incident again.

"Really? Tell me more about your meeting with him. He must be handsome, right?"

"Hyung, if I don't knew you maybe I'll said you're interested with him"

"Hey! I'm straight, okay!"

Lisa scoffs annoyingly and just nods her head real quick before lick her mint chocolate ice cream.

"He so handsome?" he continued to ask her. Just, just if Lisa not so dense maybe she can feel how the great man beside her actually falling in love with her.

"Yeah. You can said that" she answered nonchalantly.

"Really? So, how was it? Do you like him?"

"Am I supposed to dislike him? My family forced me to married with him, and looks like you was siding his part too"

"Huh? No ah. Just wonders why you family want you to married a guy .."


"Nothing. Just .. no matter what, you should tell them about your opinion too, L. Well .. you the one who is going to marry him, to living together"

"Mmm what can I do? My voice will never be heard even thought I screams out my lung"

"Oh .. by the ways, I don't see you for two weeks. Where you going? You don't ever reply any of my messages and rejecting my call"

"Actually, I have a nightmare for the days we have a date"

"Why? What's happen?"

"You know, I almost dead if someone don't save me, hyung"

"Hah, what's happen?"

"A crazy man almost hit me to death"

Her sudden explanation make him curious, he save someone too from getting killed. But the person is a girl, not this young man? This was coincidence, right?

"Hyung, what's you name?"

"Huh, why you suddenly interested with my name, ah?"

"Don't think further. I'm not a bad boy. I'm a good boy, okay"

"And why?"

"I just want to know you name .. maybe I'll seeking for help from you someday"

"You will not scam me for something, right?"

"Do you see any cute scammer like me?"

"Of course"


"In front of me, right now"


"Haha. What a cute guy, huh"

"Stop it! You pinched my cheeks to hard"

"Ehehe. You cheeks so smooth. What kind of guy have this type of skin?"

"Lol. You want to compare now? Come here, let's me pinched you cheesy buns too"

"Hahaha. Okay. Okay. Fine. Fine. Hmm Kim Taehyung"

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