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Chaeyoung was running on the hallways trying to get home fast. It was Friday. It's her mom's day-off, which means that they'll have their usual family bonding, so she wanted to go home early. But everything didn't go as planned, as she felt someone stop her by grabbing her backpack from behind.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't the loser, Son Chaeyoung. Where are you going, running so fast like that." She turned to find three guys who seemed to be cleaning the hallways earlier for detention.

Uh-oh. Seems like she just ran into trouble. She silently went a bit farther from them, stepping back, clutching her backpack's straps tighter, shutting her eyes closed, due to fear of what's to come.

Honestly, she's used to this, being picked on. She has always been found weird and called a nerd by her classmates from as long as she remembers. They even teased her more before because she used to be a fat kid, but she lost a lot of weight during the vacation between middle school an high school, when she had dengue. But seems like she'd still be picked on, regardless. To think that it's only her first week in school.

"Look at her being so frightened. We haven't even done anything." She heard them laugh.

One of them came nearer. She can feel him, looking at her intently. "Yah. How come a small loser like you have the full attention of our beautiful student body president and her equally gorgeous cousin, huh?"

"Hey, nerd. Answer him." Another said, lifting the hood of her hoodie, but she still had her eyes closed.

"Tsk. Stupid. Can't even answer a simple question. You aren't mute, are you?" They mocked, laughing.

"P-president?" She whispered.

"Yeah. Our class president, Myoui Mina?" Huh? Mina is our student body president?

The boys might've felt like she won't say anything else, so they started ganging up on her.

"Hey, look. She goes to school everyday wearing these stupid hoodies. I bet she's hiding her ugly figure behind it."

"And those big glasses and ugly mushroom haircut adds up to her unpleasant look. Have anyone ever told you you're ugly?"

"I bet she hasn't ever had a boyfriend. I mean who would want to date a loser? A nerd?"

They surrounded her, saying offending words, as she try to walk backwards, afraid of what else they can do.

"Who the heck are you to judge her." A glaring Myoui Mina spat out, obviously fuming, as she looked at the scene from the staircase.

"Apologize." she added, afterwards.

The bullies stood dumbfounded, when they saw Mina arrive, quiet like they were deers caught by headlights.

"We-we're sorry Mina." One of the guys said.

Mina looked displeased, with her arms still crossed in front of her chest. "Not to me, to Chaeyoung."

Chaeyoung just bowed her head more, because of what she heard, closing her eyes tight.

"We're sorry."

"Now leave, before I do something you wouldn't like." But before they were fully able to leave, she spoke again. "Do this again to her and you'll regret setting foot on this school." With that the boys stormed off.

"Don't listen to those losers. So annoying." She frowned, clicking her tongue, looking disappointed and mad.

"Are you really the student body president?" The cub asked, still holding on to the straps of her backpack. "You don't like attention," she added.

"You said in elementary school that being president was cool." The other girl said in a serious tone, avoiding her gaze.

"You remembered that?" Chaeyoung said, dumbfounded.

The latter looked up at her and said, "Sure, because you said it." The she looked away again. "So, stop ignoring my texts."

That made Chaeyoung smile wide, showing her dimples. "Okay."

And Mina smiled wide too.

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