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"Chaeyoung-ah!" Someone from the cafeteria went to Chaeyoung and Mina's table, setting her food beside Cheyoung's and sitting beside her, slightly startling the small girl.

"Soyeon-ssi..." the cub smiled uncomfortably, looking back and forth, from Mina to the newcomer, knowing how the former hates having unfamiliar people around her.

"I didn't know you knew THE Myoui Mina," the woman started, looking giddy, offering her hand and introducing herself, "I'm Jeon Soyeon, Chaeyoung's classmate."

When her hand wasn't taken by the other woman, she continued talking, "I hope Chaeyoung here has talked to you about me, I'm the only one who talks to her in class during our last year in middle school anyway, especially when she used to be so fat before."

"I think we have gotten closer, haven't we? That's why I was wondering why she didn't sit with me in class earlier. Never thought that she had you to hang out with now. No offense tho."

Mina didn't reply, keeping her arms locked in front of her, as Chaeyoung just shifted uncomfortably on her seat.

"Anyway, I am so glad to have finally talk to you, I hope we become good friends, as we are classmates anyway and both friends with Chaeyoung. What do you say? Wanna exchange numbers?"

"Will you shut up? You're not only ugly but loud too."

"Mina-yah. Be nice."

"What?" Mina started, "Whose side are you on?"

"Mina-yah, it's not like that." Chaeyoung tried to explain, but the older stood up and motioned to leave.

"I already lost my appetite. Chaengie, are you coming with me?" Mina asked, leaving without waiting for a reply. 

The younger girl looked at Soyeon then Mina before standing up and apologizing to the former and following the latter.

Mina led Chaeyoung to the Student Council office, facing her as they arrived. "Stop talking to the girl."

"But Mina, she's my friend."

"Then stop being friends with her. She's bad news." Mina pointed out.

"I... Mina..." Chaeyoung played with her fingers feeling uneasy.

"You choose, you hang around her and I ignore you, or you stick by my side."

"But I can't just..."

"Fine. If that's your choice. Nice meeting you again, Son Chaeyoung." Mina said, turning around, but before she could even take a step, Chaeyoung hugged her from behind, burying her face on the older's back.

"I just can't avoid her, unnie... As she said, she was the only one who talked to me in middle school when you were no longer around. I can't just abandon her. That's not a good thing to do." The younger said, subtly ignoring how she felt Mina flinch with the hug.

They were quiet for a few minutes, basking in the warmth of each other, until the taller broke the silence, slightly turning to face the cub as she said. "But I hate her kind. She'll cause you trouble for sure."

"That's okay. I know you'll always be there to protect me, if that happens, right?" Chaeyoung said, grinning from ear to ear, looking like the cute baby beast she is, with her crooked teeth and dimpled smile.

And with that, Mina's heart melted. She admittedly lost the fight, as she stood there mesmerized.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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