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"I really wanted this!" Chaeyoung said happily in her seat holding the box with a ribbon on it.

"You posted it on instagram, but you didn't think I'd know?"

She looked up at a grinning Mina who was beside her desk.

"Oh, you saw that?" She replied, smiling back, before returning her attention to the gift she received.

Mina leaned on the desk behind her, arms still crossed in front of her, but smiling, paying full attention to the happy little cub, trying to take the polaroid camera, she gave her, out of the box.

Just then, Tzuyu came in approaching Chaeyoung right away, giving her a tight warm hug from behind.

"Good morning Chaeng! Missed me?  How was your weekends?"

"Good morning Tzuyu-yah." The happy cub replied, showing her her signature dimpled smile.

"Oh, you have a polaroid camera. That's great, let's take a picture." The taller girl said, grabbing the camera from the cub, posing to take a picture. With this, Chaeyoung wasn't able to do anything but smile at the camera, not knowing that Mina had stepped out of the room with a heavy heart because of the sight.

After the photo was taken, she turned to find the other girl already missing.

Where did she go? Hmm...

Her attention was shifted back when a certain tall beauty who excitedly showed her their photo exclaiming how cute they both are. After sitting on her left, the other girl kept on telling her stories about what happened to her during her stay in Japan.

"Oh, by the way, here..." Tzuyu then handed her a small box.

"What's this?" she asked.

"Your favorite. Strawberry cake."

"Wow! Thank you Tzuyu-yah! You're the best!" She exclaimed hugging her friend.

This was the scene that Mina saw as soon as she stepped back inside their room. She can't deny the fact that her heart hurt with what she saw. As much as she hate to admit it, Chaeyoung seems to be more fond of her cousin ever since they were children. With her, the small girl is always quiet, but with Tzuyu, she becomes chatty. She envies the other girl, seeing how the cub was showing her dimpled smile at her, one she barely sees when they are together.

With that, she sighed before she took her seat quietly on Chaeyoung's right.

The girl seemed to have noticed her arrival, as she turned to her smiling and was about to speak, when their teacher arrived, getting everyone's attention to start the class. 

It was already lunch time. Mina was getting ready to head to the cafeteria, but was stopped by a tug at the end of her jacket's sleeve. She turned to see a small cub looking down.

"Ahm... Minari, I haven't properly thanked you for your gift. Uhm... It's lunch time, so... well, do you want to eat with me? My treat! Sort of a way to say thanks." The girl mumbled still looking down.

She looked behind the girl, only to find that her cousin wasn't on her seat anymore. Oh. She forgot that the latter was excused half way to the class, something about her being needed to represent the school for a pageant of some sort. Well, that's good, more time to spend with Chaeyoung alone then. She thought with a smile.

She turned and headed to the door, before looking back at the other girl who remained standing at they were talking earlier.

"I thought you were going to treat me? What are you waiting for?"

Startled, the younger girl ran up to her, still not looking at her directly. "Mianhe. Kaja?" She muttered as she was beside her.

She's so cute, especially when she was shy. This made Mina smile, as they walked to the cafeteria together, side by side.

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