Chapter 15

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"I'm done! I hated Germany, but it's nothing compared to this shit hole!" Nolan exclaimed once the ringing of his phone connected him to his mother, all the while pressing the down button for the elevator repetitively. Static noises vibrated against his ear as he heard her respond.

"Watch your mouth!" his mother's sharp voice shot out in anger.

Nolan ignored his mother's orders, continuing to plead. "Mom, please!"

"Nolan! Are you kidding me? We just moved here because of you! Moving isn't free, you know! Nor is it easy! I'm not having your brothers grow up unable to attach to an environment because of you!" The line remained silent before a moment, before she heard a soft sigh, released with a vibrant quiver. "Are you okay?" Her voice deepened, somewhat comforting but with anger still rushing through her, she still sounded distant.

"No!" he let out. "Mommy, I don't know what to do!"

"Calm down!" she began, realizing that this was more serious than she had thought. "Come on home and we'll talk about it."

"Okay," Nolan started. He then quickly caught himself, remembering a crucial piece of information. He had no money and no MetroCard, thus he had no way of getting home. "Wait! Wait!" he yelled, crossing his left finger in hope that she hadn't hung up.

Thankfully, she questioned, "What now?"

His tears dried up and for a moment Maya cleared from his mind. He began to fidget, biting on his nails. "Well..." he started before trailing off, "I can't really get home..."

Nolan could almost see his mother throw her arms up in exasperation. "You gotta be kidding me now." There was a pause. "Where are you?"

The elevator door dung open as Nolan recited Maya's home address. He had been here so many times that he practically knew the whole place by heart. "Okay," his mother replied, "stay there and I'll get you."

The soles of his feet thumped against the heartless ground, the pitter patter being the only sound he could hear. It was silent once again when Nolan stopped in front of the large mirror facing the entrance, making changes to his appearance. He wetted his index finger and swept his hair back so that it was sleek and shiny before folding back the bottoms of his sleeve, making sure both of them matched in height.

Finally, his feet walked him to the clear door connected to the building by green-painted wood. Yanking the door open, he jumped down the stairs before having to open another door.

The tremendous gusts of wind made him suddenly recoil from the sudden contrast in warmth he had felt from inside the building. He turned to get back in to the heat, but the door already shut close just as the lock clicked into place. He sighed. He would just had to do with the whipping air, making him shiver as it swished through his clothes.

Nolan's body already felt like it had gone through the harsh climate of Antarctica when a familiar red Honda finally pulled up, cutting off his deep thoughts of what had just happened.

"The door's open," his mother called out. "Hurry up and get in. It's freezing out." The screaming of his body to get to a warmer environment immediately obeyed, his trembling hand reaching out to pull the door open and shutting it close the second he slipped in.

As he rubbed his hands together and blew his warm breath on them, his mother curiously asked, "So what were you doing there?"

Nolan stopped the movements his hands were making and glanced up to meet his mother's eyes in the mirror. "Well..." he stated before trailing off. "I was at a... Friend's house."

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