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Maya stared lovingly into Nolan's eyes, her heartbeat picking up every time those balls of crystal gazed at her, even thought it had been long since they had been married.

Their love, surprisingly, had not lost even a little spark.

"I love you," Nolan whispered so softly that only Maya could hear. He wanted to share the moment only with her, not the children they had had together. It wasn't that they despised the kids; they just wanted a moment to themselves, for their babies could sometimes get a bit annoying.

Maya smirked as her right hand shot out from behind Nolan's back, where it laid against the couch they were cuddling on. She could see the fingers cupping his neck and scooping it, before a flurry of movements blocked her vision. At that point, by impulse, Maya was already running around the living room, her feet thudding against the wooden ground to get away from Nolan.

"Come back here!" Nolan yelled, quickly gaining pace. His hair was tousled from laying on the couch, and his voice sounded hoarse from just waking up. "I'm coming to get you!"

"Eeek!" Maya screamed in response as she looked bsck toward Nolan, feeling the excitement and pressure of the game getting to her. Turning back around to the front to make sure she didn't bump into anything, she intently focused forward, willing her legs to go faster and faster.

But before she could move even a feet, a body tackled her to the ground. "Ha!" the familiar voice sounded full of pride and satisfaction. "I got you!"

Maya uncontrollably started laughing, nervous at what Nolan would do. When she felt her ribs and neck being attacked by Nolan's hands, she squealed from the tickling feeling.

Her mouth opened as she tried to get the words out, but the tickles made her breathless. "Stop!" Maya managed to squeak between the tickles, her arms and feet kicking and punching into the air as to get Nolan off of her.

"And why should it?" Nolan questioned with a raised eyebrow topped off with a smirk as he continued to make her laugh uncontrollably.

"Because," she huffed, before her laughter stopped her again.

"Because what?"

Maya thrashed around, rolling to the side and finally getting away from her boyfriend's clutches. "Whew," she murmured to herself, before proudly announcing, "I got away!"

But her victory was short-lived, hands twisting themselves Maya's wrist as they allowed no escape. "Ah ha!" Nolan's prideful voice announced. "I got you again!"

"Mommy? Daddy?" Charlie's soft angelic voice whispered form behind the kitchen counter.

The fingers attaching themselves onto Maya and keeping her in hold immediately unwrapped themselves.

"Yes, sweetie?" Maya questioned in a soft voice. "What do you need?"

Nolan walked over to Charlie and ruffled his light brunette hair. He lifted him to the air, squeals of laughter coming from the young boy's mouth. "Daddy!" he laughed as his father twirled him around the room with a look of adoration on his face.

Maya laid on the kitchen counter with a small smile on her face, her heart warming at how much love and adoration Nolan had towards their son.

"I wanna spin too!" a young girl with blonde hair like Nolan's said with a pout. She got Maya's hazel eyes, though, while Charlie had Nolan's blue eyes, but lighter and brighter.

Maya walked over to her daughter with a small smile on her face. "Let Charlie get a turn first. Then Daddy will spin you."

With that, she brightened. "Look," she declared with a look of pride on her face. "I wrote my name!" She pushed the piece of paper toward Maya and she turned to glance at it.

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