Chapter 23

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"Nolan, where are you? Our flight leaves in four hours to go to Hawaii!" Maya blared into the phone balancing against her ear.

"I'm just out with Dave, we got plenty of time! I'm just saying goodbye, you should say goodbye to Havah and Annie, too, I mean you won't see them for a while they're going to college," Nolan's scratchy voice from the other end of the telephone responded.

"Okay, okay! Babe, I'm just really excited. I don't want anything to go wrong."

"And it won't." The line went silent for a moment. "I'll be at the apartment in half an hour."

Maya pressed the bright red letters on the bottom of the screen that spelled out "END CALL", and placed her iPhone on her lightly colored brown table. She opened her suitcase that was seated right besides her to check once more that everything was packed and ready.

She pushed her hand into the back pocket of her blue skinny jeans and and nudged out a crumpled piece of loose leaf scribbled on with black ink.

"Two outfits, check. Pajamas, check. Swimsuit, check..." she mumbled to herself, digging through her suitcase as she read.


"Shit, babe! We're late!" Maya whaled as she checked her watch in the taxi.

"We still have an hour, relax!"

Maya glared her eyes at Nolan and went back to thoroughly staring at the clock. Nolan assumed she figured time would move slower that way, but still thought it was strange.

"Sweetie, the stress is over! Our wedding is done! All we have left is-"

"Did you just say that our wedding was stressful? What? Was it a burden to you?!"

Nolan rubbed his eyes with fingers from both of his hands as he sighed. "I love you, but you have some serious anxiety problems when it comes to being on time."

Maya chuckled a little bit and nodded in agreement. "I know, I know. I'm sorry."

"That will be thirty-four fifty-six. Cash or credit?" the driver inquired back from the front seat.

"Credit," Nolan announced, swiping his blue plastic card into the machine decorated with the different types of credit cards they accept.

They met the cab driver in front of the trunk for his to lift out their suitcases. He passed the blue mesh bag, decorated with scattered soccer balls stuck around the bag to Nolan, and the dark brown one, a hard plastic case colored in only with the words "YOLO", he handed to Maya.

"Let's go!" Maya squealed as she began racing towards security.

Nolan could barely keep up with her, but once they finally reached the security desk Nolan ordered her to relax. "We have thirty minutes! That's plenty of time!" he reasoned.

They moved on to throwing their belongings into large plastic bins that would be pushed through the scanner.

"Come forewords," the security guard instructed to Nolan who was now stripped of his jacket, shoes, and bag.

Nolan did as ordered and Maya did the same.

The two of them began to dress again, Nolan tying his shoe and Maya zipping up her jacket. "We have five minutes!" Maya screamed, glancing at her watch.

Nolan hopped up and threw his bag on and tied his jacket around his waste before sprinting towards their gate. "Crap!" he answered back.

"Wait! Wait! Don't close the doors!" Maya begged to the flight attendant who was standing directly in front of the just-shut gray medal entrance.

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