Chapter 20

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"The jurors and I have decided that Nolan is not guilty of the murder of Samad Chowdhury." He turned to Nolan. "The million dollars will remain in your banking account. You are free to go."

The spectators all clapped their hands, some in blank enthusiasm, confused why the court had been so kind to Nolan, others thinking he did not get what he really deserved. Maya, on the other hand, had her face lifted completely. She resisted from hugging Nolan as to keep a professional stance, but every square inch of her wanted to. The life she had planned and dreamed to have would still be given to them. They still would live together, they'd have children together, they'd marry together.

Oh, we're getting married! Maya reminded herself, her heart beating twice as fast as it did before.

Maya smiled at Nolan and when he smiled back at her showing every one of his teeth, demonstrating how he felt the same amount of excitement as she did, her heart pounded even faster. She felt closer to him than ever before, and for the the first time since the proposal, no part of her was thinking about their past mistakes. Nolan's other girlfriends, her other boyfriends, Nolan's drug involvement, and even the coma simply didn't even seem to have existed.

The only thing that occurred was their love for each other. They had each other and that was all that mattered.

"Let's get out of here," Nolan whispered to Maya, his grin yet to drop. "Let's go home."

Along with the rest of the crowd, Nolan and Maya shuffled their feet down the court room and through the large exit.

The walls of the law building were all bland, brown and gray. The floors were nice but also dull, covered by a stiff gray carpet. The two of them walked through the building towards the exit side by side, resisting from touching one another. Even their arms stayed at least two inches from each other's.

Nolan pushed open the extremely heavy wooden doors used as a connection to the outside, the chilled crisp air flowing into their lungs. They felt the sudden urge to laugh, giggling uncontrollably like little children and felt giddy with excitement. Without a thought of hesitation, Nolan wrapped his arms around Maya and she did the same. She nuzzled her head into his shoulder and continued laughing. Everything was simply so perfect it was hilarious.

Once her giggling had died down, Nolan pressed his lips into hers. Their bodies closely wrapped against each other's in a seemingly hug, both of them tasting the freshness and softness of each other's lips. Their lips tenderly remained together, expressing their love and happiness without any words. Moments passing, they ended up in a hug, and from how fluid and graceful their movements had been, they felt sudden giggles erupting their rather serious façade.

Minutes later, they were home, the days of the courthouse long behind them. As the keys jingled when Maya plugged it in the keyhole, her eyes widened in surprise at the new additions of the house. The walls were painted a gorgeously deep blue and a creamy green and a couch laid next to the wooden table. Even a red and black colored rug and a painting were placed neatly across the room.

Mentally, Maya sent a thanks to Nolan's mother, for she knew it was her doing.

Nolan admired the painted walls. "Ooh, it's so pretty."

"Yeah," Maya replied back, dropping down to the ground where Nolan was currently sitting and taking his hands in hers as a wave of emotions rushed toward her.

"Oh my gosh, Nolan!" she whispered. "I've missed you so much!"

"I can't wait until it's made official on our wedding," he responded, enthusiasm filling his face. "By the way, thank you so much! You were amazing back there! I could've been in jail for the rest of my life for something I didn't do!"

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