30. The Day

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"I choose... to keep going!"

The noise that escaped my lips was one of relief. My shoulders released just a fraction of tension as I snapped my head forward. Thank you Eren, thank you for believing in us.

"Target is accelerating!" Gunther noted.

Just by the sound of the footfalls and the vibrations in the ground, it wasn't hard to tell the female titan was charging faster. She must have sensed the resolve. She was most likely banking on us trying to attack and leave Eren by himself.

"Full speed ahead! Well make it!!" Levi's voice held determination.

We should be coming up on where Hanji and Erwin are now. It feels like we've been running forever. I wished we could have used ODM gear to get there but it would have been too dangerous for many reasons. One being since aside from Levi and myself, no one in our squad knew of the plan. They could easily get caught in the trap ahead and get seriously injured. I'd lose it if I saw anyone from this squad get killed so carelessly.

Another reason being it would jeopardize everything if more then just Levi and I knew exactly what was about to happen. It had to be kept hush hush in case the traitor found out about the plan.  We couldn't pin point where they could be hiding so we had to keep all our bases covered.

"Captain!" Petra called out as the Female Titan began nipping at our heels.

Every jump she took, the landing caused my horse to falter just the tiniest bit. We're so close. So, so close right now. I could see a handful of green cloaks just ahead. They all seemed to be in position just waiting for us.

"Keep going!"

I felt a looming figure above me, and as I took a stupid look up.. I was met with the bottom of a large foot. I could see all the muscles and tendons and my eyes widened. Blood splattered a good portion of the sole and I could only imagine how many lives it took to make sure a color spread like that. My breath caught in my throat as I made a minuscule eye connection with the Female Titan. Her eye line flickered from me to Eren as she leaned forward all the same, one of her large hands grasping for him.



Hundreds of wire shot out from the left and right. All of them piercing the female titans body as she quickly moved her hands to shield her nape. Depending on the angle and height, they pierced her mid section, torso, and a great deal of her upper legs and hips. She was effectively stopped.

"H-huh?" Eren's voice could barely be heard over the shouts of the scouts behind us as we rode a bit farther ahead.

I wanted to cry in happiness as I now knew everything was gonna be okay. The Female Titan and suspected traitor of the Survey Corps was now caught. I smiled brightly at everyone before turning my attention to Levi.

"Tether the horses up a little way ahead and switch to ODM gear. I've got things of my own to deal with now. Eld's in command until I return." Levi let go of his reins and got ready to jump from his horse. "Hide Eren a safe distance away from that titan. Take care of my horse, got it?"

Everyone nodded as he then turned to me as if thinking for a moment. "Elle, you come with me."

I nodded as I let go of my reins. "Petra. Take my horse, 'kay?"

"Gotcha Elle!"

As I stood in my saddle and let my wires out I gave her a small smile. "When I get back, we can talk about whatever it was that you wanted to."

A Childhood Promise | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now