19. Titan Talks

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"That took.. a lot longer then expected.." Petra mumbled.

Levi huffed lightly giving a glare to the walls inside the room were everyone was at. "Did we really have to come back to this shit hole? It's so old and disgusting.. "

I shook my head an leaned against the back rest of my chair. "So... Eren, do you think you would like it here? Being in the Survey Corps I mean."

The titan boy quickly averted his eyes to me.

"Um... I haven't really experienced much yet, but so far I like it much better then I would have if I was in the Garrison or Military Police.. " He answered.

I smiled. "That's good. You should wait till we go out on an expedition. The world outside the walls are so beautiful! You can see for miles and miles!" I explained stretching my arms out wide to just give a kind of idea of how big it was, but stopped quickly when a sharp pain in my right arm made me put it down.

I noticed Levi give me one of his concerned looks that was covered up by his emotionless facade, and gave him a smile to reassure him that I was fine.

It always happened once in awhile, or whenever I over exert myself. Like today sadly when I went out using my 3DMG while Levi was gone. Ever since the dreadful day, I always have sharp pains in my arms and legs though it has gotten better over time.

"Really? Me and my friends always used to dream about what the world looked like outside the walls... about the big forest, and the big salt waters called seas.. "Eren said,"... an now that we're all going to be able too, it will be nice.."Eren said, a twinge of sadness in his tone.

"Friends? You have friends who are going to join the Survey Corps?" Petra asked, a curious look on her face.

Eren nodded. "Mhmm. My two childhood friends will join the Scouting Leigon when they graduate. I can't wait for them to get here!"

I laughed a little at Eren's excitment for his friends arrival. I know he must be tired of being around all us old people - though we're teqnically not that old...

"Well I can't wait to meet them. I hope they're as nice as you are..." Eren's cheeks redden immediantly, and he looked away embarrassed.

"You can't wait to meet who, Elle?"

Everyone at the table except Eren froze lightly in their movements for a second, knowing exactly who it was...

Hanji Zoë....

I sat up straight in my chair, fumbling with my glass of tea. "U-uh, Eren's friends. He said they were going to join the Survey Corps and stuff..."

My crazy, glasses wearing, brown haired friend plopped down in the chair next to Eren who look at her curiously.

"Oh, is that so..."Hanji said turning to look at Eren with her big eyes. "So you're the titan boy! It's nice to finally meet you properly!"Hanji exclaimed.

"Hi, I'm Hanji Zoë, I'll be the head of the titan research that we're gonna do tomorrow!" Hanji said sticking a hand out to shake.

"Uh, hi Captain Hanji... I'm Eren Yeager. It's nice to meet you.. " Eren said kindly as he shook Hanji's hand.

What a bad move...

Hanji suddenly pulled Eren's hand closer to her face. "Interesting..." She muttered, pulling at the skin of his hand and bending his fingers this way and that.

"Um... Captain..."Eren sweatdropped.

"Leave the brat alone, four-eyes..."Levi grumbled, taking a sip of his tea.

Letting go of his hand, but leaning closer Hanji looked at Eren excitedly.

"Hey, do you wanna hear about the new facts we found out about titans!?"

I sighed, knowing were this was gonna go, hoping that Eren wouldn't say ye-


I slumped and shook my head. Again, wrong move, Eren...

"Um, sorry everyone, but I have to go finish putting my stuff away. I'll see you guys later!"

Quickly getting out of my chair to avoid getting caught in one of Hanji's long explanations, I grabbed my cup of tea and said goodbye to everyone quickly making my way out of the dinning room.

My relief of getting away was short lived when I heard footsteps follow me out.

"Sorry but I'm really tired Hanji-!"

I stopped short as I turned around, coming face to face with my stoic faced, childhood friend.


"Tch... I wasn't going to let you leave without me and let me get stuck listening to the stupid ramblings..." Was all he said before walking passed me.

I laughed breathlessly before following after him, falling perfectly into his shadow.

Only Levi...

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