37. Armored Titan

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This was not how I expected this day to come to an end. Everything that I experienced today was still fresh in the back of my mind, and everything that I have been experiencing for the last two months or so has not left it either. Like I've said before I'm sure, stuff like that probably won't ever be forgotten anyways. Not even in this lifetime sadly.

   But... that being said... at this very moment all of that was pushed to the very far corners of my thoughts. They were still there just not what I was thinking about right now...

   Only thing that I could concentrate on was the feeling of my lips when they were against Levi's. From Eren and Annie Leonhart to Petra and the rest of the Elite Squad dying, even all the way to finding out that huge colossal titans were stuck in the walls that have kept us safe for a 100 years... all of that was forgotten just in that small amount of time we had. I guess knowing that my life could end very soon caused me to do rash things. Things I would have never thought of myself doing.

   "Who even am I?"

My hands splashed water around as I brought them to my face and covered it. It felt nice, but my face still burned at the memory. How in the world was I ever brave enough to confess to Levi!? And kiss him at that!? Even having known Levi for as long as I have, this was still such a surreal thing to do? I don't even think I was in control of my own body at that point!

Here I was - maybe 30 minutes later after my shared kiss with my childhood friend and very own Captain, and I was sitting in the (very nice) bathtub taking a bath. Right after I promised Levi that I would always be his, I broke down from embarrassment and ran to the bathroom leaving poor Levi in the room all by himself. I don't even think I spared him a second glance as I cried out I was going to wash up. Not that he did much to stop me - which I was eternally grateful for. Since then, the most I've heard from him was the scooting of the desk chair and a deep exhale. Not that there was really anywhere for him to go. Erwin was in a meeting an he was still injured after all. What could he do? Go help guard Annie again?

I looked between my fingers at my legs. There were quite a few cuts an scraps on my knees and lower calves from when Annie transformed an threw me back.. I tried my best to wash the dried blood off, but I would need to bandage some of them to prevent infections.

A heavy sigh escaped my own lips as my feelings were still all over the place right now. No matter how hard I tried everything just kept going back to that moment. Ever so slowly I let my finger move to gingerly touch my lips. My cheeks turned red in warmth as I remembered the feeling of Levi's lips. The harshness that went well with his overall personality, the feelings it gave me... the longing to do it again...

I've never felt like this before.


The squeal that escaped my lips was not able to be stopped before it came out. My body flinched as it turned hot at the memory. Water splashed around, and even went up and over the side of the tub. I would have to dry that up or I might slip.

"Elle?" Levi's voice sounded a bit strained as the sound of the chair scooting across the floor followed.

I quickly used my arms to cover my chest and squeezed my legs closed even though I knew he wasn't going to walk right in.

"I'm fine!"

I heard Levi's footsteps walk closer to the door. There was a brief pause before he spoke again.

"Are... you sure?"

My expression relaxed as my blush faded a little. I hugged myself a bit tighter. I'm sure he was a bit thrown off by my actions earlier so he must be a bit dazed as well... hopefully. I don't want to be the only one.

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