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beol walked into yeosang's office and see him standing in front his desk while crossing his hand on his chest, he look like he got something serious to say. Beol got lil bit intimidated w him but she still control her expression and made her toward him. "hi babe", yeeosang didnt rep but just look at her w no emotion, as someone who studying psychology, of course beol can say that something is wrong rn. the question is "did i do something", "is this because of my sudden request to stop working here".  beol held his hand and asked if something is bothering him. luckily he answered her this time but he still w serious face. "what is it, is there anything i can do to help you, yeo"

the serious face of him turned to sad face rn, "i just sad that you didnt meet and contact me much this past months" he said while pouting, beol couldnt help but smile, it's funny to see him sulking like that but deep in her heart she know that's not the reason yeosang get bother rn. "my research will end soon, yeo, and im sorry for not give much attention to you this past months, im so busy w researching, im sorry".

yeosang just nod and took a sit, he face back to serious again, "are you meeting someone else other than ur patient?" . beol lil bit shocked w his question, is him sus her cheating on him or what- she erased away her thought and shook her head a answer.  she asked him why did he asked that and yeosang just said it's nothing. Didnt want to waste her time, beol told him that she got to go. "oh i almost forgot to tell you that my dad bought me a new house somewhere, im going to do celebration there to thanks him tomorrow, please come w others"

yeosang nod and smiled before her girlfriend left.

Right after beol got into her car, she received a chat from yunho saying that he want to meet her for a while. At first she doesnt want to meet him at all because she didnt know if he already move on or not, but she decided to meet him to avoid the situation between him and her be more awkward. Beol walked into the cafe and take a sit in front him. "I thought you wouldnt come" he said w a smirk on his face. She just replied w a smile. "Why do you want to meet me, yunho?" , honestly she feel lil bit mad seeing yunho in such atittude, he knew that she's worrying if yeosang found out abt his feeling towards her but he still didnt give up. She started to felt uneasy, this thing might ruin her plan. "Please yunho, if you dont get anything serious to say, i really need to leave rn. I havent done w my research yet" , yunho looked at her w guilty and frustrated face, "im sorry if im bothering you, i just miss you so much" , he held her hand but beol slowly took her hand away, stood up and walked out from the cafe. She couldnt believe what she just heard, "what of earth was that, can he respect me as her bff's girlfriend" she said before drove her car away.

Without anyone realized, pair of eyes is watching.


⚠️starting from this, i'll mentioned knife, gun, blood, harsh words and abusing action. Please read it on ur own risk⚠️

Next day's night, at beol's new house.

Everyone arrived exc beol's father. They all dressed gorgeously even tho it just a small celebration, maybe it's because it's their first time got to see beol's dad. It's almost an half of hour her dad should arrive but they still cant see his car or anyone came. "Guys, i think he might be late because of traffic , can you guys wait for him?" She said w a guilty face. Other just nodded as their understood.

Hours n hours passed, 11pm.

She walked out from kitchen to saw others w tired face waiting, "guys im so sorry, my father cant join us tonight, he suddenly got something urgent to manage" she bit her lower lips. Hongjoong stood up and walked to kitchen where everything served. "It's okay.. we're still here, i think we should drink before we leave" he said while took a glass of red wine. "Is it okay... you guys look tired, you guys can leave now if you guys want to..." sad tone could be heard in her voice, yeosang held her hand and shook his head. "You must be sad rn, you planned this celebration to thanks ur dad but he couldnt make it here. Drink w you is the only we can do to cheer you up" , beol couldnt hid how yeosang's word made her feel better and that's make yunho feel annoyed a lil bit. Others agreed w yeo and they made their way to kitchen.

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