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The few next days

Beol woke up from sleep and saw Yeosang sitting on the couch in the room. "Why are you here?" she couldnt think the important reason for him to comeback.

"I just wanted to know if you feel better or not?" , beol didnt reply but look at him with a confuse face. "I brought some food for you enjoy it" yeosang smiled and stand up , ready to leave the room. "Thank you for the food,i appreciated it a lot, hospital's foods are so boring"

They laughed, yeosang walked to Beol and sat on a chair beside her bed. "Since our first met, i haven't ask your name yet?" He smiled shyly. "You can call me Beol, i didnt prefer to tell people my full name, sorry" beol replied while played with her fingers. "It's okay, i wont force you to. What courses do you take in university?"

"Art and psychology", she could tell that the man's eyes widen when she said that. "Are you an art person?" Yeosang ask curiously. Beol shooked her head with a small laugh. "My dad asked me to took the course. Pyschology is the only course i wanted to took honestly"

Yeosang nodded. "How about you? Are you really a art person or not?", it took him few seconds to reply "i'm really a art person, but a few years ago, i changed myself a lil bit?" He looked at the floor after answered it.

"Mean?", the man looked back at beol and said "my interested on art went too far"

They didnt talk for a few minutes before Beol started to changed the subject of the conversation. "How about your friends, are they same with you?". Yeosang shooked his head "no, they had their own interested", "ooo i see" she replied awkwardly.

He stand up from the chair, "it's nice to know you, beol. Hope we can meet again" he send her a smile before left the room.


After almost 1 week in hosp, Beol finally checked out. "You missed my class for 6 days, why?" The man asked with intimidating face. "I-i was in hosp, prof Kim" beol replied slowly, didnt dare to look at the professor. Mr Kim just nodded and asked her to take her seat.

"One professor from other university will help me with your research on the end of this semester. Remember only 4 from all of you will get choose, so please work hard" Prof Kim said with a serious voice, student started to sigh and complain.

"That's enough from me, i guess. Now, i wanted to welcome, my new assistant, you can come in now".

One man with a handsome man  came in, all student's eye on him and started to made a noise, girls student got amazed with his visual meanwhile boys student got jealous. He laughed at the reactions he got.

He bowed and started to introduce himself. "Hello, my name is Kim Hongjoong. You guys can call me prof hong, so you guys won't confuse me with Prof Kim. Hope we can work well. Thank you" he ended his speech with a beautiful smile and started to analyzed all students in the room. His eyes met Beol's, she could said that she have seen his before, "but where?" .

The man didnt break the eyes contact untill one student interupted him. "Excuse me Prof Hong and Prof Kim. Are you guys-". Before she could end her sentence, Prof Kim cut her "Yes we're sibling. He's my younger bro"

"Oooo" from students could be heard. "Why did Prof Hong look thousand times better than you"
Everyone busrted out laugh. Before he could answere, the bell rang, mean his class ended. Beol quickly packed her stuff, ready to go home but someone interupted her by standing infront her. She raised her head slowly and saw Prof Hong.

She bowed, "Can i have some words with you Miss Beol?" The smile never leave his smile, made him look so attractive. "Sure", she sat back on her seat. "You might had knew me-", beol interupted him "i think i've seen you somewhere, maybe on insta". The man nodded, his face showed "i knew it" expression.

"Bet you've seen the pic from yeosang's gallery insta acc" he giggled. After recalled all her old memories abt Kang's Gallery of Art, she remembered that he's one of yeosang's friends. "You're one of Mr Kang's friends". The man nodded, "More to family, honestly"

Silence fell between them. "He told us about you. Just wanted to let you know that he's waiting for your call and hoping you can work with him", Beol didnt replied, thinking how she could tell Prof Hong that she didnt interested at all to work with Mr Kang.

"Thank you for telling me, if you don't mind i'll leave". Prof Hong nodded, a lil sigh came out from his mouth. "Think of it Miss Beol".


Beol put her bag away and laid on her bag. Her head fill with Prof Hong's and Mr Kang's words. "Think of it Miss Beol" , "You can give a try". "All of this driving me crazy". She stood and made her way to took a clean herself.

After half of hour, she walked out from bathroom with a white bathrobe and grabbed the card that Mr Kang gave to her. "You'd decided Beol, don't regret anything later". She reached her phone and called the number. "Hello, this is Kang's Gallery of Art. How can we help you?"

"Can i talk to Mr Kang?". "May i know your name Miss?" The woman asked. "Beol". The woman directly connected the call with the phone in Mr Kang's room after Beol told her name.

"Hello, who's there?" Mr Kang asked with a deep tone, Beol never heard him with that voice before. "This is Beol". "Oo Beol, good to hear you" beol could hear a small giggle out from his mouth. "I made a decision that i'll work as part time painter at your gallery"

Beol let out a heavy breath at the end of her sentence. "Really?! Happy to know that! Hm..you can start your work tomorrow if you dont mind" he replied with cheerfull tone.

"Yeah, i dont mind. Thank you Mr Kang". "You're welcome, Beol", she ended the call with mixed feeling.


Thank you for reading, hope all of you love it♡ sorry if i did any mistake :)

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