Chapter 7: Fighting Back

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Javier rested against the wall for what felt like hours. His mind was at war. Fear and anger were constant friends, and he did his best to keep himself composed. For the most part, he felt sane. Memories would rush through his mind like daggers in the wind. It was difficult to keep himself together at times.

He felt the wave of hunger hit him again. For a moment, he looked at the fish that were swimming through the vein-like structures. There were nice little compartments designed to reach his hand into it. The Shal'rein must have designed the system perfectly so that you could grab one of the fish. Apparently, the fish were all capable of replenishing their own stock and be devoured by the Shal'rein crew. It was an interesting design, but Javier still didn't feel hungry enough to try the local food raw. Nonetheless, the hunger was getting stronger. He wondered how much longer before it would overwhelm his thinking.

He heard the door open, which was enough to pull him out of his thinking as he focused on the door. The moment he saw the person come in, his adrenaline kicked in. He immediately recognized who it was.

"There is my favorite human," Gishra'lar said with some ferocity in her voice. She came in as the door closed behind her. She began to ball her fist up and hit it with her other hand. Her long hair waved as she gritted her teeth at him. A devilish smile was displayed for him to see.

Javier stood up as he watched her. For a moment, he felt a surge of fear, but the memories of her previous assault ran through him. To be told what she did to him by the doctor only caused anger to run through him. He clenched his fists as he prepared for a confrontation.

"I'm not going to plead like I did last time," Javier told her.

"When I am done with you, you will be...." She said. "I made the mistake of knocking you out. You will be alive and well when I have fun with you."

"Says the weak little Shal'rein that has to rape aliens for a little thrill," he snapped back at her.

Javier was not going to have any more of it. Hunger was driving his emotions. He knew of the situation and the power that he could have over her. The time of negotiation had ended. If she killed him, then she would be possibly punished for her actions. Shira had hinted it enough that he was better alive than dead.

"What?" she asked as she displayed her teeth to him. The serrated teeth looked like she could cut through anything.

"You heard me, puta," Javier replied calmly. "You're weak on the inside. Next time I'm in the battle, I won't miss putting a bullet into your skull."

Javier could feel a sense of control in the situation. It even surprised him. The sense of hope Shira had given to him flourished. Perhaps it was a lie. Most likely, it could be a lie. Maybe a hidden camera was posted somewhere that she was using to watch him. Regardless, a small part of him knew that there was a slight glimmer of hope. He was going to utilize this gift. Hungry or not. Weakened or not. Hopeless or not, Javier was going to fight to the end.

"Folar.......human....." she began to say in her own words. "Shan'tal resh."

She said it with such ferocity. He knew that is she was speaking in her own language that he had tilted her well. A small part of him hoped that by angering her, she would be reckless. He knew she would attack him whether he wanted it or not.

"Then what are you waiting for," Javier said as he got into a battle stance. "Fresh meat ready to be picked....."

Girsha'lar unhooked her holster and tossed it to the side. She simply gave him an angry gaze and walked up to him. Javier knew this was going to be a tough fight. Even with the knowledge, there was a likely chance he would lose, and she was going to have her way with him. He made peace with himself. Knowing the events that were going to come, he simply waited for the inevitable.

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