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Question: would you be mad if I deleted this book? 😶😐
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Natasha grabs her purse as she steps out of her car

She quickly slams the door speed walking to the entrance of the hospital


He call me big purr 😌🐱

Her arms reaches behind her locking her car doors she softly passes by other people as she enters

As she makes it so the front desk the first thing to leave her plump lips are "excuse me I'm looking for Beth Boland"

The front desk worker dressed in scrubs asks "who are you to Mrs.Boland?" Natasha immediately replies "A family friend"

Moments past then the desk worker informs her "she is sitting over" then gesture towards the waiting area where other families are being held

Natasha makes her way over to the trio of Moms Rubys eye quickly land on her younger sister "where were you?" She asks putting her phone back into her bag

"Busy" Nat lies straight through her teeth truth is after she ate dinner she fell asleep and completely ignored phone calls from anyone

"Doing what?" Anne pushes from her seat looking up at her Natashas Towering figure

The younger Hill sibling replies sassily "none of your business but don't worry I'm here now" she casts her brown eyes on Beth Bolands blank expression

With wet tears escaping her blue eyes as she stares silently ahead not utter one word "So what happened?" Natasha asks sitting next to Ruby

Anne angrily replies in a hushed whisper "your gangbanger ass boyfriend shot him" Natasha lets out a breath through her nose feeling guilty about Dean

Even though he is a shitty husband he didn't deserve to least not like this "..Sorry" Nat apologizes quietly

As the other two eyes cast onto her

Later on in the night as the Hill sisters yawn they look over to see Anne eating a fruit cup quietly Ruby after yawning for a second time asks "where did you get that?"

Anne pops a piece of fruit in her mouth then answers "Mmm off one of those little carts" not understanding it fruit for a

Hospital patent

Natasha places her fist on her cheek as she twist herself on the hospital chair looking over at Anne feeling her stomach rumble a little bit

Anne carelessly shrugs "well the cafeterias closed" not seeing the harm in her action Natasha then clarifies it for the younger Bolland Child "You stole a sick person's food"

Anne then repeats not having a care in the world "The cafeteria was closed" then scoffs as she places more fruit in her mouth Natasha mutters under her breath "can't believe I left my home for this shit"

Making Ruby slaps her shoulder as she shakes her head

"Dean didn't deserve to get shot like that Rio" Natasha confesses while buttoning her jeans the next morning

Rio smacks his lips as he fixes his white t-shirt then he spins on the heels of his feet in the direction of his girlfriend "why are you questioning my actions?" He questions

Natasha rolls her eyes as she removes her phone off of her bedside charger "You went too far" she starts then crosses her arms over her chest "you could've just shot Beth instead Dean doesn't have shit to do with it"

Rio walks closer to his girlfriend "And you do? Last time I checked you aren't in my line of work" he points out

Natasha sighs not in the mood to fight she raises her hands "You know what? You're correct but I can voice my opinion when it involves my family"

Rio scoffs casting his brown eyed gaze onto her "oh? I'm not" his girlfriend immediately replies "you know what I meant Christopher"

The man then grabs his wallet, phone, and keys without looking before exiting then turns around to say one last thing before heading off to work "I'll hopefully see you later darling" with a serious face masking emotions

Moments later Natasha jumps as she hears the door slams then says to herself "Why me god? Why?" Then falls back onto her bed


Natasha is at the your local walmart picking up a few hygenic items when she bumps into a faceless stranger "Hey watch where your--" she starts

But stops as she sees it's agent turner "Hello" she smiles showing off her pearly whites the tall slender man looks down at her with a smile on his face

"Funny running into you here" he replies then looks down to see her items on the floor he begins to pick them up but pauses as Nat places her hand on his chest "Don't trip I got it" she interupts

Then squats on the floor picking up the items Turner helps her anyway "shouldn't make a beautiful lady like yourself do this work for my dumb actions" he says

They pick up the items in silence before Turner gets to the point "so I heard your dating Rio" Natasha faces twists into confussion "Rio? I'm dating someone named Christopher"

Turner eyes slightly widen as he comes to the conclusion that his girlfriend doesn't know about activites around Detriot

"Yes Christopher sorry anyways how long have you two lovebirds been dating?" He inquires

Natasha answers "Umm two to three years I think" nodding her head

Turner is mentally writing down her answers "Do you know what he does for a living? I only ask because he seems like the loner type "

Natasha chuckles rising from the floor "he doesn't really let me in on his work instead he says stay in a womans place" she lies hoping he'll buy what she is selling

Turner then looks down at his watch "sorry to cut this short but I gotta head out you know work but I'll see around" he concludes before walking away

Natasha waits until he leave then confesses to herself "I should've been an actress" then shakes her head

He call me big purr🐱😌

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